"What are you wearing?" Fred asks.

"Why are you two dressed like bums?"

"This is not acceptable," Maggie shakes her head, flicking her wand at Draco.

The boy gasps, scandalised as his suit begins to morph into black joggers and a green hoodie. He glares at Maggie who nods in approval.

"My suit!"

"Draco, when you go to the corner shop, you wear comfortable clothes," Maggie shakes her head.

"I wouldn't be caught dead in this,"

"That's the point!" Fred says as they walk out of the front door.

The morning air bit at their exposed skin, Maggie's nose turning red as the snow whips at her face. Fred pulls her close to him, trying to warm her up as Draco grumbles about the weather next to them.


Maggie lets out a surprised huff of air when a small body slams into her. Fred is quick to right her so she doesn't fall into the snow.

"Maggie, why is this street urchin hugging you?" Draco asks.

"Hey, I am not a street urchin!"

"Sam?" Maggie asks, looking down at the beaming boy.

"Maggie!" Sam repeats his arms still tightly wrapped around her. "I knew I'd find you!"

"What are you doing here?" Maggie chuckles, ruffling Sam's hair.

"I've been looking for you everywhere! You disappeared, and I was worried!" The boy says.

"I was at school," Maggie says. "I go to a boarding school"

"Are you naughty?" Sam asks. "My mum threatens to send me to boarding school when I'm naughty"

"No, it's a legacy school," Maggie says. "It means all of my family went, it's tradition"


"Mum, it's Maggie! See I told you she was real,"

Sam's mother, a woman with tired eyes and a worn-out expression, looks at Maggie with a mix of surprise and relief.

"Oh, you're the famous Maggie," she says, a small smile forming on her face. "Sam has been talking about you non-stop. I was starting to think you were an imaginary friend."

"I'm very real," Maggie laughs. "Nice to officially meet you. I'm Maggie."

"Anne," she introduces herself. "Sorry about Sam. He can be a handful."

"No worries, he's a great kid," Maggie says, giving Sam a playful nudge. "Fountain of wisdom"

"Who are those two?" Sam asks.

"This is Fred and Draco,"

"Draco's a weird name,"

"Sam's a weird name," Draco retorts.

Sam's eyes widen at Draco's response, and he looks up at Maggie with a puzzled expression.

"Why is he so grumpy?" Sam whispers to Maggie.

"He's always like that," Maggie chuckles. "But deep down, he's not too bad."

"Is Draco your boyfriend?"

Maggie stifles a laugh as Fred huffs. "No, definitely not. Just friends."

Sam seems to accept this explanation and turns his attention back to Fred and Draco, studying them with a curious gaze.

"So is Fred your boyfriend?"

"Sam!" His mother shakes her head. "Stop being so nosy"

Maggie laughs, and Fred grins at Sam's innocent curiosity. "It's okay, Anne. Yes, Sam, Fred is my boyfriend"

"But girls have germs!" Sam says to Fred who laughs.

Fred chuckles, bending down to Sam's eye level. "Well, I can assure you, Sam, I'm germ-free. No cooties here."

Sam scrunches up his face in thought. "Hmm, okay. But if you start getting cooties, you have to tell a doctor, okay?"

"Deal," Fred grins, offering his hand for a small handshake, which Sam accepts.

"Come on Sam, we've interrupted their day enough," His mother says.

"I'll see you in the summer right?" Sam asks Maggie who nods.

"Sure kid,"

With a final wave, Sam and his mother make their way home through the quiet, snow-covered street.

"I can't believe I was seen in these atrocious clothes!" Draco complains.

"You'd have gotten more weird looks in a suit,"

"You'd have gotten more weird looks in a suit,"

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