Karina's dorm room was a world of it's own. It was more like a lavish apartment with chic features and much larger than the average dorm room, representing more of a penthouse suite style. There was artwork scattered across the walls, a large lounge that lead off to the bedroom and a marbled ensuite bathroom decorated with trimmings in tones of light grey and gold. It was clear that unlike most of us on campus that had roommates, she lived here alone.

"Make yourself comfortable." She stated cheerfully in the background, opening the fridge to get a bottle of wine before pouring us drinks in the nearby open plan kitchen.

I slowly admired the lounge in curiosity. There were candles lit around the room, a faint scent of fresh roses and mood lighting slightly dimmed creating a somewhat relaxed and romantic atmosphere. At the far side, the curtains from the nearby balcony fluttered gently in the distant breeze.

"It might be hard to read the books with the dim lighting." I stated awkwardly, confused by the ambient setting as I reached to search for the light switch.

"If you insist. You can use the desk, it's okay." She said, turning the lights slightly brighter and pointing towards a desk in the corner that was surrounded by books on the wooden shelves beside it.

I wandered across the room, putting my books and bag on the desk before noticing a grand piano elegantly situated in front of the balcony doors. "You play the piano?"

Karina returned beside me, placing our drinks down as she took my hand, guiding me to the piano. "Yes, sit with me."

Nervously, I sat beside her as her fingers began to flow effortlessly across the piano keys. A melodic tune began to play while I watched her in wonder entranced by the music.

The minutes passed and it filled the air with a sweet symphony so hypnotic as Karina played the music so beautifully. When the tune finally faded, I felt totally wrapped up within a spell. "That was beautiful."

She smiled gratefully, closing the piano lid gently. "I wrote it with someone special in mind."

"Well they're very lucky." I stated back, noticing her hypnotic gaze upon my lips.

"I'm the lucky one." She replied somewhat flirtatiously, leaning closer to me as I quickly shuffled back shyly.

"We should... start studying." I muttered, changing the topic as I got up from the piano quickly before she could protest. Hearing her chuckle behind me, we made ourselves comfortable around the desk.

For a few hours, I absorbed the information as Karina quizzed me on various facts. We reread important passages, highlighting and memorising crucial notes and ideas.

It must have been a long while until the usual routine returned and I found myself staring aimlessly ahead at the wall. Above the desk was cluttered with landscape photographs capturing my attention until Karina suddenly tapped my shoulder. "Winter?"

"Hmm?" I stated somewhat dreamily.

"I think you were zoning out, you started drawing a snowflake in the corner of your notepad." She tapped the corner of the page where I hadn't realised I'd been sketching for the past 10 minutes.

"I did? Sorry..." I muttered quietly, embarrassed by my lack of attention.

She giggled and ran her fingers through the ends of my hair, seemingly so naturally. "Don't be, it's cute."

I stared at the corner of the page and then back at Karina in confusion. "The snowflake?"

"No, you." She replied adamantly with her eyes flickering between my eyes and my lips, making me blush red.

Those Winter Days (A Winrina Jiminjeong Story)Where stories live. Discover now