Chapter 1

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Okay so there may be some TWs in some chapters I will try to list them before each chapter but if you catch any I didn't list let me know.


- Mentions of SH - Mentions of child abuse - Mentions of EDs

If any of these triggers you, please do not read this chapter.

-Regulus's POV-

I had only been fourteen when his brother left. I didn't blame Sirius for leaving, I would too if I had the chance. But unfortunately, I didn't, I had nowhere to go. I had no James Potter to run to like my brother did. If I ran to my friends their parents would just send me right back. So now I was simply stuck being the perfect heir for my parents. Like a puppet, doing everything they told me to. And if I made just one tiny mistake, I would undoubtably receive punishments.

So, when summer break was finally coming to an end, I packed my bags the night before I would be leaving. Then I left my room to go shower. After I got out of the shower, I rewrapped my wrist in bandages because some of my cuts reopened. It had been a while since I had cut himself, due to his parents finding out (which as you can imagine didn't go over well). But sometimes I found myself feeling the need to, like my skin was just itching for me to cut. But my parents had been checking my wrists ever since they found out. They didn't like the idea that I had a pain that I could control. For a week after they had found out that I had been cutting myself they had locked me in my room, which I was not allowed out of, that also meant that I was given no food. That really wasn't much of a difference from what I did before, except before I would go down and eat dinner and then throw it up afterwards, so that my parents didn't know.

After I got dressed and went to my room, I picked up my book and read until I fell asleep.

-James's POV~

The night Sirius showed up on my doorstep, bruised and bleeding, I knew I could never let him go back to that house. He could never go back, and my parents seemed to agree since Sirius stayed the whole summer. I wondered why Regulus didn't come with, but these thoughts were quickly shut down by Sirius when I asked him about it, though Mum wanted to try to get Regulus out as well.

Half of the summer me and Sirius spent hanging out the other half we had Remus and Peter over. I think those times were Sirius's favorite because he got to see Moony. They had finally gotten together over the summer. The night before we went back to Hogwarts, we spent coming up with prank ideas to tell the rest of the marauders when we got on the train.

"Get up we don't want to miss the train!" Mum yelled from downstairs. I rubbed My eyes and stretched as I got up not wanting to make my Mum angry and went to Sirius's room to wake him up. Once we were both packed and ready our Mum called, "Breakfast is ready." With that we both went downstairs to the kitchen.

When we got to the train, I spotted Regulus rather quickly, then again it wasn't hard to miss him, the Blacks were undeniably beautiful. Years of inbreeding I supposed. But there was something different about him this year. He was always pale, but he was almost completely white. He also looked concerningly thin; his eyes looked almost hallow, he looked extremely tired. His eyes flicked to mine for a moment before his parents started talking to him.

-Regulus's POV-

I got on the train and quickly found the compartment with Even, Barty, Pandora and Dorcas and sat down. "Reggie, how was your summer?" Pandora asked giving me a small smile. "Fine," I answered. "How was your guy's summer?" I asked. "It was good Reg, we were worried about you," Barty said. "We heard about Sirius," Dorcas blurted. The others looked at her disappointedly. "What? We were going to have to ask eventually," Dorcas said defensibly. "It's fine guys," I spoke. "So, you're okay, right?" Even asked concerned. "Yeah. I'm just glad summer over," I said. "I really missed you guys," Pandora said as she pulled us all reluctantly into a group hug.

After a while of putting up with Even and Barty making out, I made my way to the bathroom, planning on getting to do what my parents wouldn't let me do all summer. As I was walking, I bumped into someone and fell down. "Sorry. Are you okay?" Said a familiar voice. I looked up to see James bloody Potter. Great just great. Sirius's true brother. I ignored his extended hand and stood up "Watch where you're going Potter," I spat. "Wait Reg ca-" He started. "It's Regulus," I said bitterly. "Right sorry, that's just what Sirius would sometimes call you. Anyways I just wanted to ask if you were okay," He asked looking concerned. That's funny I thought he's concerned. " I'm fine, now are you done?" I asked. "You don't look fine," Potter said skeptically. "Wow you really know how to flatter a guy," I said looking at Potter blankly. "Sorry, but if you ever want anyone to talk to, just come and find me," he said genuinely. "Thanks," I responded before walking away.

- I hope to update as much as I can but no promises. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. -

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