Temple of the Wolf -12-

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"We've arrived." Kaeya said smoothly as the two of you stared at the large doos of the temple of the wolf. The male stepped forwards before tilting his head to you with a grin. He held out his hand. "Come closer. Can you smell that?" He asked.

You stepped forwards to stand beside him but ignored the outstretched hand. Your nose suddenly scrunched up as you batted a hand in front of your face at catching a whiff of something smokey. "It's the smell of burnt Pyro Slimes." You muttered in disdain.

He hummed in agreement. "Something must have happened in the temple. I imagine there will be slimes, hilichurls, and... whatever is giving Stormterror extra power." A smile crossed his face as he clasped his hands together. "Oh yes, it is going to be lively in there indeed!"

You glanced over at him with a raised eyebrow. "Will it be dangerous?" You asked. The man only shrugged. "As bustling as it may be — no, I can't imagine it will be dangerous at all." There was a twinkle in his eye - matching his star iris in an ironic way. "Plus, I doubt you've ever been afraid of danger." He teased. You let out a breathy laugh.

Going back to the situation at hand, you looked back to the entrance in a serious way. "There likely going to be more than a disorderly mob of creatures." You noted firmly. Kaeya's gleeful attitude didn't falter. "Oh, ho-ho! You're quite the brave one, aren't you! It's a pity that the Temple of the Wolf has been disturbed by such an atrocity." He said, shaking his head in disdain. You hummed lowly. "Quite." You humored him.

With a little sigh, Kaeya stepped forwards. "Let's head in, Y/N," he said, "No one makes offerings to The Four Winds anymore, yet the old winds never vanish...We need to clear out the temples, for The Four Winds."

You nodded, going up to the door next to him. As the door lit up to let you in, Kaeya grinned widely. "My first chance to fight beside you," he sighed out in an almost blissful tone. "Think we'll make a good team?" He asked glancing down at you.

Looking up at him with a blank face for a second, you suddenly smirked. "Maybe. If you can keep up that is." You teased. Kaeya hummed in matching amusement. Just then, the door opened and the two of you walked up.

"Oh my," you mumbled as the two of you entered the temple, "it's a little dreary in here." Kaeya hummed in agreement before walking further into the ruins, smirking when he saw three hilichurls guarding a door. He glanced back at you. "Let me show you how the Knights of Favonius conquer our adversaries!" He said, nodding his head towards them.

As he prepared his sword, he glanced up at a higher point of the temple. "Hmm. If I'm not mistaken, the end of the temple should be up there," he noted. You summoned your own sword and sent him a suspicious look. "And you know this... how?" You asked.

He only shrugged. "Heh, experience." He said mysteriously. "Experience?" The male only shrugged. "...The kind of experience you get after years of dealing with things like this for others." You rolled your eyes. "Isn't that why you became a knight in the first place?" You inquired with a raised eyebrow.

For a quick second, his jaw tightened before relaxing yet again. "No. It wasn't." He said bluntly before descending onto the unsuspecting victims with a mini blizzard. You blinked for a second before going after him, sending a blast a wind along with his snow, making it just that more powerful.

In the midst of battle, Kaeya started up a conversation out of the blue. "Y/N... Unless I'm mistaken, your traveling companion doesn't seem to have a Vision." He noted, slashing his sword right into a growling hilichurl.

You grunted as one of the hilichurls slashed at you, quick to use your fast flying to speed away from it. He only continued. "So how exactly is it that he's able to channel elemental energy?" He finished his question. You hummed in thought. "It was... an odd occurrence." You muttered.

Ms. Hummingbird (Various Genshin x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ