17. Creature Of Habit

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And I have kept my distance from her, trying to give her space.

Even if it had felt awkward and unnatural to me.

I ain't used to keeping distance from no chick that I want.

Never had to before, for real.

Kim and I was fucking days after my ma first took her in.

And any other bitch that I've been with after Kim, they was all merely jump-offs to me.

I ain't never had to think about their well being or nothing like that, I just fucked them, getting what I wanted from them whores quick and sending them on their way.

My shit with Onika had started that way too, and it was so easy for me back then.

But now that shit's different, in all honest truth, I simply ain't know how to act around her no more.

Especially after she became all traumatized and shit.

I mean, I want her bad, and I also wanna be there for her.

But I don't wanna scare her or trouble her.

So like I said, I've been keeping my distance.

And I guess she took that the wrong way, cause all that girl talks about now is how she hates being a burden to me and how she will move out soon, as soon as she can, and hearing her talk like that makes me angry, to be honest.

It's almost like she can't wait to get away from my ass, can't wait to leave me and do me dirty just like everybody else in my life always does.

Maybe seeing me beat her piece of shit uncle like that scared her.

But I only did that shit for her.

Or maybe she's just tired of me.

Maybe she woke up one day and she realized just how much of a goddamn loser I really fucking am, just like Kim did.

I don't know man, shit is fucking with my head sometimes.

"Yo, Onika!! Hurry up in there already, cause I gotta piss like a motherfucker!" I abruptly blurt out through the door, which almost immediately opens.

The steam from the small room instantly hitting me in the face as she stands there already dressed in some sweatpants and one of them lil ass tips, hair wet and dripping down her shoulders, I swear this chick refuses to use a towel to dry it off.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry, Marshall," she is saying to me softly, pushing her way past me gently.

Her hair smells nice. Like coconut or some shit.

And everything in the bathroom now got that same scent too.

I watch her walk away from me, heading towards what used to be mine and Kim's bedroom, now it's 100 percent this girl's room, she occupies that shit.

Having all kinds of dirty thoughts in my head over something so simple.

I shake those out of my head though and close the bathroom door behind me.

In more ways than one, I'm glad this girl has been staying with me though.

Even if she don't like me no more, she sure as fuck is a good distraction for me from my regular thoughts, which aren't good at all.

See, Onika probably thinks I don't remember all of that wild shit I've said to her that night I had somehow ended-up sitting on her front steps drunk as fuck and high out of my mind after Kim left me and took Hai with her.

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