Chapter two

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Knox's POV 

Practice was good today. We worked hard to be where we are as a team now. Luca skates past me and pats me on the back. 'let's go captain' He says with a smirk. 'Let's go into town, drink a few' I nod 'Yeah, I will be right there. Coach wanted to talk to me' Luca nods and leaves the ice.

I skate towards the coach who is standing with a clipboard in his hands. 'Owens' coach says while greeting me with a stern nod. 'Everything okay coach?' I ask. 'I wanted to talk to you about the new physical therapist position.  A few people are coming tomorrow for an interview. When we know who is going to fill the new job, we want you to meet them.' 'That is fine by me' I say with a shrug. Coach nods and waves for me to go.

Later that evening we stand in our local pub. 'I bet 30 bucks that Knox is going home with a woman tonight' Sebastian says with a big ass smirk. 'We don't have to bet on that because we all KNOW he is getting laid tonight' Luca says. 'What are you guys doing betting on me?' I say while nudging Luca's shoulders. 

I have been friends with them since college. We have been very lucky that we all get to play in the same team.

I look around the pub and spot a brunette eyeing me. 'I think you guys are right' I say while I wink at the brunette. 'Of course, we are right. You never go home without a woman' I want to argue, but I can't deny that I love women. Only for one night tho. I can't imagine myself settling down. 

I am the total opposite of my best friends. Luca has been looking for his soulmate since college and I can't remember the last time he brought a woman home. Sebastian had some 'serious' relationships but hasn't been interested in anyone since his last ex broke his heart. He brings women home sometimes but he definitely doesn't sleep around like I do.

I am not proud of it, but I am not ashamed of it either. As long as sex is with two consenting adults then I don't see the problem.  I always make sure we both have fun.

I eye the brunette again and I hear Luca sigh beside me. 'I really don't get what you like about having sex with strangers. It just feels weird to me' Sebastian nods in agreement. 'You should search for something serious' he says. I laugh. 'I don't do serious. Now stop being buzzkills and order another drink please' 

Sebastian leaves to get us some drinks. The brunette is looking at me with a smile on her face. I wink at her again and her cheeks turn pink. I decide to walk towards her while Sebastian comes back and hands me another drink. 'Are you going to talk to her? ' Luca says. 'Yeah. don't wait up for me' I say. Sebastian laugh. 'Don't forget to put a rubber around it' he yells.

The next day

I wake up by someone knocking on the door. 'Time to get up Knox. We have training in an hour' 'OKAY' I yell while suddenly realizing there is someone beside me. The brunette from last night whose name I forgot lies next to me. I decide not to wake her and write a quick note that says 'I had a fun night. I don't exchange numbers and this was a one-time thing. Close the door when you leave' Normally I wouldn't drink on the evening before training but the coach allows us to have fun sometimes (when there isn't a  game coming up).

After changing and a quick breakfast we are on our way to training. 'Oh, I forgot to tell you guys. There are coming people for a job interview with coach today. It's for the physical therapist position' I say while looking at the road. 'Okay , and why did you need to tell us this? ' Sebastian says with his usual sarcasm. 

'Because I won't be there the entire time during practice. Coach asked me to welcome the person he chooses for the position' They both nod their head in understanding while we park the car in the parking lot.

We walk into the changing rooms and change into our clothes for practice.  I  finish first, as usual, and skate into the rink. 

My eyes land on the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, she is talking to coach. She takes my breath away. When she lets her hands fall to her side, I suddenly stop breathing. She is pregnant. Like almost popping pregnant. I strange feeling settles itself in my stomach. Is it jealousy ? I can't be jealous. I have never been jealous. I tell myself over and over again while looking at the stunning pregnant woman get your head together Knox, You don't even know her. I shake my head and skate away.

This was Knox POV. Thoughts on Knox so far? Thank you for reading the first two chapters! 

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