Chapter Two.

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Wanda had been up and working, meanwhile you stayed in bed and watched The Big Bang Theory feeling a little under the weather, although you'd say you felt fine. Wanda knew you wasn't, she had told you to stay in bed as she'd know if you didn't.
Wanda ran you a nice warm bath, it was perfect! Not too hot and not too cold. She felt bad she had to leave you for a few hours so she insisted on making it up to you, she walked you into the bathroom and told you to enjoy a nice warm bath while she changed the bedding and got you some clean pjs.
You got undressed and threw your clothes into the washing basket before stepping into the bath, it was perfect. You slowly lowered yourself into the bath and relaxed.
Meanwhile Wanda changed the bedding, set out some snacks and medicine on the bed, along with a couple of books for you to choose from. She took out some clean clothes for you from the airing cupboard so they were warm, she opened the bathroom door and put them on the heater, she pulled up the stool and sat down by the bath with a smile.
'How is the bath Darling?' Wanda asked softly with a gentle smile.
You smiled softly and replied 'It's absolutely perfect! Not too hot and not too cold ether. Thank you for doing this for me, it's really appreciated and I'm thoroughly grateful.'
Wanda gently tipped your head back and washed your hair as she smiled softly 'You are definitely welcome, you need to understand that even though you're not feeling well, you should be made as comfortable as possible. Having a nice bath helps wash away the germs, relaxes the muscles, joints and nerves as well. I've sorted the bed so it's all clean and I put a few bits on there for you so you won't need to keep getting up. I hope that's okay?'
You kept your head back as Wanda washed your hair with shampoo and then used coconut conditioner on your hair as you replied 'You're too good to me you know that right?'
'Oh Sweetie, you really need to get use to being adored and treated very well!' She softly chuckled as she rinsed your hair, she picked up a nicely warm towel and helped you up. She wrapped the towel around you as you got out of the bath. As you got dried off Wanda pulled the plug and rinsed the bath.
Once you got yourself dried and dressed she took you back into the bedroom, you gasped softly at what she'd done for you, you squeezed her hand and thanked her. She helped you get back onto the bed and she sat beside you, she smiled softly and put her arm around you.
'Don't forget to take your medicine okay? It will help you get rid of that nasty cold type flu thing you're come down with.' Wanda whispered softly in your ear.
'I took some earlier, how many times a day is it again?' You looked at her.
'Three times a day and before you go to sleep so four times a day.' She nodded.
'I'll take some again now and then please make sure I do again before I go to sleep?' You asked kindly, Wanda nodded and replied 'Of course I will.'
You took some cold and flu medicine and lent back as you picked up one of your books and started to read. Wanda read your book over your shoulder with you, she fed you some chocolate while you both read for a while.
After a little while you both ate a little as Wanda made sure that you'd have something to eat, she made leek and potato soup and made sure you consumed a good amount before laying back down. The soup was smooth, a little salty which you loved and it was warm and perfect, you managed to finish your portion which pleased Wanda greatly. As you led back down she cuddled you closely while you both rested and watched Netflix. After a couple hours you took some more medicine, cleaned your teeth and got into bed as Wanda put your book back on the bookshelf and the one you were half way reading on the bedside table. Wanda cuddled up with you and helped you fall asleep quite quickly.
A couple days later you had woken up and finally felt better, you stretched and climbed out of bed. You made your way downstairs and made a coffee, Wanda had realised you were not in bed and vamp sped into the kitchen, this did not make you jump as you were use to her appearing out of nowhere.
'And why aren't you in bed?' She asked over your shoulder whispering into your ear, this made you smile.
'I'm feeling better so I'm making coffee, do you want one?' You replied with a smile.
'Hmm, let me feel your head?!' She asked but sort of demanded gently.
You turned around and she felt your head of which you did not have a fever anymore, the corners of her lips turned upwards curving into a smile as she checked you over, her smile got bigger and brighter as she realised you were no longer unwell.
'You having fun there?' You asked as she was checking you.
'You're no longer poorly!' She replied beaming a smile.
'I know..' You chuckled softly as you sipped your morning coffee.
Wanda smiled and cuddled you closely, of which you returned the cuddle.
'Thank you for looking after me, I really appreciate it and it means a lot to me.' You whispered in her ear.
'I will always look after you Darling! You mean the world to me! If I could make you never get sick again.. I would..' She said slowly finishing her sentence with a pause near the end as an idea came into her mind. She kissed your cheek and quickly said 'I need to make a phone call, just please stay home today? If you need to go out then tell me please?'
You nodded 'Go ahead. I'll come let you know if I need to head out. I might walk the grounds a little for some fresh air once I've had a shower and gotten changed.'
'Okay well take Natasha with you please? For me?' She asked desperately as she didn't want you to be alone. You knew she never wanted you to be alone and you agreed to this. Wanda kissed your cheek, 'Be..' She vamp sped off 'Be safe..' You chuckled to yourself as Natasha walked into the kitchen with a smirk.
'Good morning Sunshine!' Natasha said as she stood in the door way with a smile.
'Good morning to you too.' You replied with a smile.
Natasha walked into the kitchen, she took your now cold coffee and washed out your cup as she made herself and you a cup of coffee, she pulled up a chair for you and she sat down on her chair as she put both coffees down on the table.
'I'm glad to see you're back on your feet!'
'Thank you, I'm glad too. Not to be rude but I'm going to stay standing as I've been in bed for what feels like forever.' You replied with a soft chuckle.
Natasha didn't take any offence to this at all, in fact she fully understood as she said 'Well how about I pour our coffees into thermos mugs, you quickly shower and get changed and then..' She stood up and stepped closer to you as she brushed her hand down your arm. 'Then we go for a walk. I couldn't help overhear you tell Wanda that you wanted fresh air. I could take you into town on my motorcycle.' She walked around and stood behind you as she continued but this time whispered in your ear 'Especially as there is a brand new bookstore in town and according to their website, there is a lot of books in stock including the ones that will complete some of your series and more! Soo? Whatcha think Sunshine?'
You gasped as you turned around quickly placing a hand on her chest. You quickly replied with 'You better not be kidding me Romanoff or I'll kick your ass to NewZeland and back!!'
Natasha put her hand on the elbow of the arm that's on her chest that belongs to you. 'Now now Sunshine, I may have my fun with you but you know I wouldn't lie to you about things that are of great importance to you, just like you wouldn't lie to me about things of importance to me. I was going to head there myself and buy you a new book today but seeing as you're well again and on your feet, how about I take you? We can go in my sports car or take my bike. The choice is yours and after being cooped up indoors for about a week or so, it would do you the world of good to get some fresh air and I won't let anyone get close to you. Whatcha say Sunshine?'
You listened to every word she said as you gasped softly realizing Natasha was not joking about the new bookstore. This pleased you and she was right, throughout all the jokes, silliness, pranks and sarcasm nether of you crossed the line of things that mattered most to you both. You flung your arms around her neck, to which she put her arms around your waist.
'I take that as a good sign?'
'Give me ten minutes to shower and get changed! I don't mind which vehicle we take but we must go! Thank you so so much for doing this for me.' You whispered.
'Go on. Ah shh! Just go get ready and I'll pour our coffee's into travel mugs and we can take the sports car but later on I'll take you on the bike.' Natasha replied.
You both let go of each other and Natasha stepped aside so you could leave the kitchen, you ran past her and headed upstairs. Natasha quickly raised her voice with concern 'DONT RUN UP THE STAIRS FOR GOD SAKE! We don't need you being rushed to medical before we get out the door!'
'NICE TO KNOW YOU CARE!' You yelled back as you got upstairs, you went into your room which was conveniently located beside Natasha's, you took out some clean clothes and saw a hoodie on your bed which you didn't recognize, you put it next to the pile of clean clothes you picked out to wear for the day, which were dark blue jeans, brown belt, a V neck black tshirt that Natasha gave you, clean boxers and the mysterious hoodie. You grabbed your towel and went into the bathroom, you got undressed and threw your pjs into the washing basket and got into the shower.
Meanwhile, Natasha poured the two coffees into travel mugs which kept them hot for hours, she picked up her car keys and took her black sports car out of the garage, she drove it up to the front door and got back out, she went back inside and put your brown boots by the front door. She grabbed her wallet and checked inside for her credit card and debit cards, she checked how much cash she had and smiled constantly as she shoved her wallet into her back pocket.
Natasha drank a couple of blood bags and threw the empty contents into the bin as she licked her lips and pulled on her black leather jacket, she smiled as you had came down the stairs.
'I love that hoodie on you!' Natasha smirked.
'Oh my god! It's yours isn't it? You put it on my bed?' You gasped as you replied while walking downstairs.
Natasha nodded and pointed at the bottom of the stairs at your boots as she held out her hand. You took her hand as you put your boots on.
'You're sneaky Romanoff!' You smiled a little.
'I know!' She replied with a cocky tone and a smile to go with it.
Natasha made sure you put on a jacket so you picked up your leather one and put it on.
'Do you have house keys? I think Wanda took mine.. Again!' You mentioned as you zipped up your jacket.
'I have mine don't worry Sunshine! So where is she?' Natasha asked while opening the front door for you, you stepped outside and felt the cool breeze against your skin, you closed your eyes and soaked it in.
'Umm I'm not sure, she rushed off to make a phone call. I should probably tell her I'm going into town..' You replied.
'Well she's not home as her car isn't here so I wouldn't bother, you can tell her where you've been when she comes home. Anyway you ready to go into town?' Natasha spoke with a calm and cool voice. She opened the passenger door for you, you thanked her and got inside. She closed the door and got into the drivers side, you both got your seat belts on and she drove into town, you mentioned you loved how cool her car is and Natasha told you all about how she got it and how she loved her car so she always replaced parts herself and fixed the car herself as she didn't trust anyone with it.
Natasha drove into town and parked just outside the bookstore, she lent towards you and pointed out the window. 'Look, I wasn't kidding. The store is huge!'
You gasped and looked out the window as you replied 'Oh.. My.. Gods.. Let's go!!'
Natasha smiled and got out of the car, she rushed to your side of the car and opened the door she helped you out of the car and then closed the door and proceeded to lock it. She walked with you into the bookstore and stayed close the whole time, you both chatted about all sorts of things! Books, movies, tv series, music, food and everything else in between. You picked out a few books and Natasha found a couple you needed, you picked out a few for Natasha to read herself as she was also into reading. Natasha gasped and thanked you as you found the book she'd spent almost a year looking for, you both looked at the bookmarks and got a few of those too. As you were about to go pay for your books, Natasha found a pen set for you, for when you wrote in your journal, she chose to get that for you as a present and give it to you later. Natasha paid for your books, you thanked her a lot and looked over your books while she paid for hers. You'd left your wallet in your other jacket and forgotten it but Natasha had said she wouldn't let you pay as this was her treat for you.
You'd both thanked the bookstore clerk and went back to the car, she took you to her favorite restaurant and you both ate burgers for lunch and chatted about books. Natasha then brought you back home, you both went into the living room and took out your books from the thick brown paper bag, you both sat together talking about the books and the authors.
Natasha asked you to stay there as she quickly left the room, you looked at your new books debating on which one to read first as Natasha came back with a bottle of wine and two glasses.
'Would you care to join me?' Natasha asked as she put the glasses on the coffee table and showed you the bottle of Australian red wine Shiraz, you looked at the bottle and smiled.
'This is one of my favorite's! I'd be honored to join you!!' You replied with glee.
Natasha smiled and poured two glasses as she said 'You've got a good taste in wine!' She passed you a glass as she held her own, you both gently clinked glasses as you talked and sipped wine.
A couple hours later Wanda returned home and walked into the living room.
'Are you sure drinking is a good idea?' She asked with a hint of concern.
'It's okay, I've only had two glasses and I ate a substantial lunch. Did you get ahold of whoever it was you needed to call?' You replied with a smile.
She nodded a little as she walked a little closer.
'You've been out?' Wanda asked.
You nodded as you said 'Natasha took me into town in the sports car, we went to the new bookstore and got new books and book marks. Then we went for burgers.'
Natasha nodded as she looked at Wanda and said 'This one has a very good taste in books and even found the book I'd been looking for!'
Wanda nodded slowly as she sat beside you.
'Wands? Is everything okay? Did you get hurt? You quickly said.
She smiled and shook her head as she put her hand on your thigh. 'I'm fine Darling! Just a little tired that's all, no need for you to worry. So show me your new books.'
You had a feeling she was holding something back so you hugged her and showed her your books, you looked at Natasha and then at Wanda. You gently asked in as kind tone as possible 'Wands, Honey? Did you feed today?'
Natasha looked at Wanda and said 'I can go get you a blood bag.' She said.
Wanda nodded.
'Romanoff, whats wrong with Wanda? I've never seen her like this since the incident last year!' You looked at Natasha as you spoke to her, worry in your slightly shaky voice.
Natasha stood up and helped you up too, she gently pulled you aside and whispered 'I think she's in shock, someone or something has stunned her.'
You held the zipped part of Natasha's jacket as you looked at her clearly worried. 'Uh okay.. Umm, go grab a plaster, a tissue and your clean penknife please!'
Natasha didn't question you instead she vamp sped off and got what you asked as you walked over to Wanda who hadn't moved, Natasha put the supplies you asked for on the floor beside you as she stayed close, you took the penknife and chose Natasha's because she kept all her weapons surgically clean. You cut your hand and put it to Wanda's lips as Natasha helped you keep your balance and to keep you from shaking.
'Drink Wands, it's okay you can do it!' You told her with encouragement.
Wanda gave Natasha a look and she gave one back, it felt like they were having a conversation or making a promise or an agreement that you couldn't understand. Wanda then drank from you until her colour came back, the veins under her eyes came up more as they turned red and her fangs sunk into my hand, Natasha then got Wanda's fangs out of my hand and pulled my arm away, she quickly cleaned my hand and put gauze on the neat holes and penknife cut on my hand, Natasha then wrapped a bandage around my hand to keep it in place, she made sure it was tight enough to stay but not too tight to cause discomfort. She then tapped the bandage so it wouldn't unravel.
Natasha used vamp speed and moved our books onto the other couch and she came back, she positioned herself a little in front of me and gave me her trust me this is for the best look. I nodded ever so slightly as we both looked at Wanda.
'What is it? Did you get hurt?' You asked with concern.
Wanda opened her mouth and muttered 'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!'
You moved a little closer and put your unwounded hand on her knee and your wounded hand on Natasha's back. Natasha looked at you and then at Wanda.
'What are you sorry for?' You asked gently.
'I wanted you to have a daylight ring and be like us but she's dead and can't make you one..' Wanda muttered.
'It's okay, how about I try and make one myself?' You asked softly.
'See there you go, problem solved. But that's not the full reason you're like this..' Natasha replied with suspicion.
'She refused to make one because you're different but she wouldn't tell me why so when she threatened to curse you I bit her head off literally.' Wanda responded she sounded distant and sad.
'Well we will find out why I'm different, you me and Natasha will work this out, right Romanoff?'
'Thats right! And hey heads being missing is just what happens being like us sometimes, you just need to rest and let the emotions go past.' Natasha nodded.
Wanda nodded and after some time she eventually came back to her usual self.
Wanda noticed your hand and gasped 'What happened? Did I do that? Did I hurt you?!' Wanda questioned with worry.
'Hey hey it's okay! I just cut my hand it's okay!' You replied.
Natasha cut in quickly 'I can fix it so don't worry okay? Nothings going to happen to this one, nothing okay Wanda?'
Wanda's eyes met Natasha's as she slowly nodded 'You're gonna fix it and nothings gonna happen.'
Natasha nodded and replied 'Exactly! Maybe we should all just watch some Telly and relax hmm? Sunshine what do you reckon?' Natasha looked at you.
You smiled politely 'I agree! That new cooking show has been aired so we could always watch that?'
Wanda nodded and sat comfortably on the couch, she turned on the television excitedly and looked at you and Natasha as she said 'Come on you two!'
Natasha smiled and said 'We will be right there!'
Natasha gently pulled you into the kitchen and took the bandages off your hand, she bit her own wrist and moved it to your lips. 'Here drink from me!'
You looked at her and asked calmly 'You sure?'
Natasha nodded 'I drink plenty of blood so mine is perfect to heal all sorts of wounds and problems. I promise, just trust me.'
You moved closer and slowly drank from her wrist, your hand healed quickly in a matter of seconds, you drank a little bit more as Natasha stroked your back. You'd stopped and looked up as you swallowed, 'Thank you Romanoff!' You whispered.
Natasha nodded and escorted you back to the living room, where you both sat with Wanda, you were sat in the middle of the two vampires and you noticed Natasha's wrist was perfectly healed and not even a mark or a drop of blood, this made you smile. Natasha caught your gaze and winked at you.
The three of you sat comfortably and watched the cooking show, which happened to calm Wanda down properly to her usual self. She struck up a conversation about food and cooking as you fell asleep as you'd had a busy day and it took a lot out of you as today you'd been finally out of bed and on your feet.
Natasha and Wanda talked about making new dishes, trying new recipes and planning on who's going to cook on what days. They used their phones and jotted down notes and ideas, they were going to get a pen and paper but you were fast asleep so Wanda put your head on her lap and Natasha lifted your legs onto her lap after removing your boots.
Natasha told Wanda about the day you spent together and that you'd eaten everything on your plate apart from the tomato that was in your burger, Natasha explained she took off the tomato properly so there was no part of it left. This made Wanda chuckle as she explained you hated it in the burger but would eat tomato sauces and mini ones but not in a burger or sandwich or wrap. Wanda softly stroked your face as you slept peacefully.

Written By Ryan Wright.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 26 ⏰

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