Y/n's mind raced, contemplating the intricate layers of this mystery.

Y/n: There's only one person I can think of who possesses the intelligence to unravel this enigma.

As they opened the door, Julia stood before them, ready to assist in their pursuit of the truth.

Chief: It's break time, Argent. You and L/n are about to embark on a little journey.

With a shared sense of determination, Y/n, Julia, and the Chief set forth on a new mission, propelled by the desire to uncover the truth behind Carmen Sandiego's connection to Calloway.

Julia and Y/n found themselves in the vibrant city of Vienna, surrounded by its rich history.

Julia: The Habsburg Family held immense power in Austria for nearly five centuries, from the 15th to the 20th century.

Y/n marveled at the longevity of their reign.

Y/n: Incredible, spanning almost 500 years.

Julia: This museum houses an extensive collection of treasures from the Habsburg era, making it a potential target for V.I.L.E.

Y/n acknowledged the significance of the museum as a potential location of interest.

Y/n: That's true. However, we can't be certain if Graham Calloway has any affiliation with them. So far, the only known criminal act attributed to him, besides assaulting me and escaping ACME custody, is a minor home burglary in Reykjavik.

Julia concurred, highlighting the elusive nature of Graham Calloway's connection to Carmen Sandiego.

Julia: Indeed. Everything about Graham Calloway, including his ties to Carmen, remains shrouded in mystery.

With determination in their eyes, Y/n and Julia delved deeper into the investigation, resolved to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic connection between Calloway and Carmen Sandiego.

The brainwashed Carmen descended to the meeting point where her teammates awaited her arrival.

Carmen: Well, well, sewer rats. Look who finally decided to make an appearance. Though, I must say, fashionably late isn't quite the term for what she's wearing.

Carmen mischievously grabbed Tigress's hand and playfully held her finger to her nose.

Carmen: Always eager for a fight, aren't you, kitty cat? Maybe you should try picking your nose instead.

Graham chimed in, reminding everyone of their professional roles and responsibilities.

Graham: Whoa, we're not roommates anymore. We're professionals with a job to do.

Carmen teasingly responded, putting Tigress at ease.

Carmen: I suppose you can breathe easy then.

Tigress sarcastically remarked, finding Carmen's remarks amusing.

Tigress: Absolutely hilarious.

Carmen shifted the focus back to the task at hand, igniting their determination.

Carmen: We're going to rock this mission, Gray.

Graham corrected her, emphasizing his new identity.

Graham: It's Crackle now, remember?

Carmen acknowledged the change but couldn't help but comment on his appearance.

Carmen: I know, but you still look like Gray to me.

Graham joined in with Carmen's enthusiasm, ready to embark on their mission.

Graham: What Carmen said. Let's rock this thing!

World's Greatest Thief vs. World's Most Determined Agent: It's On!Where stories live. Discover now