Part 15

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Player: Ah, the vibrant festival in town! I deployed my trusty red drone to discreetly observe a certain individual.

Player: Behold, through the keen eyes of my red drone, I present to you VILE's very own counterfeiter. They are right there in the heart of New Orleans, just as my intel had indicated.

Carmen: Hmm, from my vantage point, he doesn't appear to be carrying any counterfeit goods.

Player (through earpiece): He could be in the process of picking up something, rather than dropping it off.

Carmen then follows the suspect and witnesses him being picked up by someone in an orange car.

Carmen: Or perhaps he's being picked up by someone.

Player (through earpiece): Your getaway car is en route, in classic VILE red, of course.

Zack (pulling up beside Carmen): Let the good times roll!

Carmen (getting into the car): As long as the wheels keep spinning, Zack, feel free to have all the fun you want.

Player: On the bright side, tailing a VILE operative provides an opportunity to immerse oneself in the local sights. You are currently passing through the enchanting French Quarter of New Orleans, with its lively Bourbon Street.

Carmen: Ah, this city is the birthplace of jazz and home to the world-famous Mardi Gras, a carnival celebration renowned for its vibrant masks and costumes.

Player: "Mardi Gras" is French for "Fat Tuesday." It appears that New Orleans was initially settled by the French and later came under Spanish rule. The descendants of these settlers, known as Creoles, have a rich and diverse cultural heritage.

Carmen: And that cultural fusion is evident in the tantalizing flavors of New Orleans' renowned regional cuisine. Creole dishes such as gumbo, jambalaya, and boiled crawfish are a true delight for the taste buds.

Player: Just keep an eye out for any alligators while you're there. Louisiana is home to one of the largest alligator populations in the United States, with nearly 2 million of these magnificent creatures inhabiting the coastal marshlands that surround you.

Zack continued driving, his eyes scanning the rearview mirror until he noticed a familiar figure following closely behind them.

Zack (adjusting the mirror): Carm, looks like we have some company.

It was Y/n, an ACME agent hot on their heels.

Y/n: ACME agent in the mirror is closer than they appear.

Zack swiftly maneuvered the car, skillfully evading Y/n's attempt to close in from the left, only to find Y/n now dangerously close on the right.

Y/n: Carmen Sandiego, pull over immediately so I can place you under arrest.

Carmen casually rolled down her window, a touch of mischief in her eyes.

Carmen: Oh, Y/n, always so persistent. But tell me, where's Jules today? It seems she's not by your side.

Y/n, growing more determined, shot back with a hint of frustration.

Y/n: None of your business, Carmen. Jules is occupied with other matters, unlike you.

Carmen smirked at the response, unbothered by the remark.

Carmen: Such a shame. I'm sure she would have been a better driver, and those are such nice cars you ACME agents have.

Zack, seizing the opportunity, skillfully pulled back, aiming to shake off their pursuer.

Y/n (thinking quickly for a good comeback): Well, Carmen, at least we can drive without constantly looking over our shoulder.

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