Part 20

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Y/n arrived at Julia Argent's office, a sense of anticipation and concern filling his mind. He raised his hand to knock on the door, but after a few moments of silence, he realized that there was no response.

Y/n: (knocking) Miss Argent, it's me, Agent L/n. Are you there?

Growing increasingly worried, Y/n slowly turned the doorknob, finding it unlocked. He cautiously pushed the door open, revealing an empty office. The room was dimly lit, with papers scattered on the desk and a faint scent of perfume lingering in the air.

Y/n: (whispering) Julia... she stood me up. This isn't like her.

As Y/n pondered the mysterious absence of his mentor, a phone on the desk suddenly began to ring, breaking the silence. Y/n's curiosity got the better of him, and he instinctively answered the call.

Y/n: (confused) Agent... I meant Instructor Argent's office.

On the other end of the line, a familiar voice spoke, causing Y/n's eyes to widen in surprise.

Carmen: (via phone) L/n?

Y/n: Carmen Sandiego? Why are you calling Miss Argent's office?

Carmen: (via phone) And why are you answering her phone?

Y/n: (defensively) Because she's not here. I didn't expect the two of you to be in touch.

Carmen: (via phone) She missed your lunch appointment, didn't she?

Y/n: (gasping) How did you know about that? Wait... if you're calling, it means she's in trouble.

Carmen: (via phone) I'll handle it. Just stay put, Agent L/n.

Before Y/n could respond, Carmen abruptly ended the call, leaving him standing there, a mix of confusion and worry etched on his face.

Y/n: Miss Sandiego? Carmen?

The office seemed even more eerie now, with the realization sinking in that Julia was indeed in trouble. Y/n's instincts kicked in, urging him to take action. He swiftly left the office, determined to find his missing mentor and discover the truth behind her absence.

As he navigated the corridors of the agency, Y/n's mind raced with possibilities and unanswered questions. He couldn't help but wonder what circumstances had led Julia Argent to miss their lunch appointment and why Carmen Sandiego seemed to have inside knowledge of the situation.

Y/n: (thinking) What's going on, Julia? And what does Carmen have to do with all of this?

With each passing step, Y/n's determination to find Julia grew stronger. He was prepared to uncover the truth, no matter the risks involved. As he reached the agency's control room, his eyes scanned the area, searching for any sign of Julia or any clues that could lead him closer to her whereabouts.

Y/n: (firmly) I won't rest until I find you, Julia. We've faced countless challenges together, and I won't let you face this alone.

His heart pounding with a mixture of worry and determination, Y/n set off on a mission to unravel the mystery surrounding Julia's disappearance. His training and instincts would guide him, but deep down, he knew that the answers he sought would only be found by delving into the shadows of the unknown.

Y/n: (whispering to himself) Hold on, Julia. I'm coming for you. And whoever is behind this... they won't escape justice.

### Scene: Carmen's Warning and Y/n's Decision

Carmen stood in a secret hideout, contemplating the dangerous predicament Julia found herself in. She knew that if VILE had captured her, they would stop at nothing to extract the valuable information she possessed about the relic.

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