A True Friend Stabs You In The Front

Start from the beginning

I noticed Teddy seemed disappointed and skeptical about my reaction to her sleeping with Chip and I suddenly felt the need to be guarded with the words I was using. 

"I don't think Chip would ever purposely hurt me either, but surely you must have an opinion about me hopping in to bed with him? I don't buy that you've suddenly become, Switzerland."

I had just finished making the lasagna before putting it in the oven so it would bake before Callie got home. I decided to grab a glass of wine and joined Teddy at the kitchen table as I responded back.

"I guess you should call me Switzerland then, because I'm neutral. If you are happy and no one is getting hurt, then, date whomever you like."

"So, you don't care that I slept with Chip last night? Even if I tell you that I slept with Becca two weeks ago?"

"Teddy, like I said, it's none of my business who you are sleeping with. If everyone is a consenting adult, do what makes you happy."

"You must not care much about Becca if you're fine with me having sex with Chip. I'll be honest, it makes you a questionable friend if you don't care about your other friend's feelings."

Teddy and I had always gotten along during the course of our friendship and never in a million years did I ever think there would come a time that we'd exchange cross words with one another. With the way our conversation was heading that late afternoon, I was starting to think otherwise.

"Teddy!? What's that suppose to mean? How am I questionable friend that doesn't care about Becca's feelings?"

"Well, if you cared, you'd stick-up for Becca, but clearly you aren't saying anything about how she'll feel if she finds out I slept with Chip."

"Teddy, I love and care about you and Becca, both. I'm at a huge loss though why you suddenly think that I don't care about Becca?"

"I assumed you both were glued together at the hip the way you escorted her away from me at your house party yesterday. You sure seemed to care about her then!"

I was perplexed where Teddy's animosity was coming from, but the more she spoke, it was beginning to become clear.

"The only reason I shuttled her out of the party, was to talk some sense into her and to get her to keep her mouth shut. I figured after she eviscerated your private life in front of our work colleagues, I should get her out of the party and help her realize how inappropriate her behavior was. I was only trying to amend the situation and thought you'd be appreciative of my response?"

"Arizona, I was happy you got her away from the party, but you never bothered to come check on me! Instead, you spent time talking to Becca. I was left alone to deal with Chip and the weird stares from everyone else."

"Teddy, my actions were not meant to favor one friend over another. I was only trying to diffuse the situation. I'm sorry if I made you feel otherwise. And out of curiosity, what did you tell Chip about what Becca did and said?"

I felt some of Teddy's angst start to quell as she finished off her glass of wine. 

"I told Chip the first thing that came to my mind that might sound plausible and not like we have been on and off again dating. Arizona, any chance you could refill me?"

I nodded and got up to bring the bottle back to the table as Teddy continued on.

"I told him that Becca had Tourette's Syndrome and was known to have uncontrollable outbursts that often involved her blurting offensive words."

I fell over the table and buried my face in my hands as I began laughing out loud at Teddy's quick thinking diagnosis that was a very believable lie.

I picked my head up after a few more seconds and said, "Damn, that's actually good and could have been a likely reason! I'm impressed with your fast thinking, Dr. Altman!"

The Aftermath of Callie and Arizona - Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now