𝘍𝘐𝘝𝘌. 𝑰 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖

Start from the beginning

A few minutes down the road, Cassandra stood staring at her house. The place she grew up. The memories of when she was young flashing through her mind. Like when her dad taught her how to ride a bike, on the pavement underneath her feet

She slowly crept up to the porch, noticing the door was open. She reached out towards the door knob, another memory coming to mind of her dad teaching Nick how to fix it – when they were younger, when he actually liked Nick and thought he would be a good man to his daughter, Cassandra tried to place an age on them both, she thinks she was just about to turn fourteen that meant Nick had just turned fourteen but she could be wrong.

She opened the door and crept into the house

"'Dad!" Her voice echoed through out the house. Her and Nick's shoes hitting the floor, making the wood creak "dad"

Nick walked infront of Cassandra, he knew something wasn't right it was to quite. The both of them had a bad feeling in there guts but Cassandra didn't want to listen to it

"Dad" Cassandra shouted for the last time only for a loud bang to be heard upstairs, without thinking Cassandra bolted up the stairs

"Cass!" Nick ran after her but she was to quick, Nick tripped due to his limb, he fell hitting the stairs " Don't" Nick begged as he looked up seeing her hand rested on her father's bedroom door

Cassandra ignored his plea, quickly twisting her wrist and opening the door, her father's figure stood in the room but it wasn't her father anymore...he was like Cal

"Daddy?" Cassandra sobbed, her face scrunching up as tears began to fill her eyes "No, no. Daddy"

The undead figure of her father turned, growls escaping its throat but Cassandra couldn't move She was frozen in her spot
With every second he got closer

Nick had been shouting her name over and over again, but she couldn't hear a thing. Nick pushed himself up, ignoring the pain shooting through his ankle as he ran up the stairs

Elijah's hand was inches away from  grabbing Cassandra, when Nick reached his hands out pushing her father away from her and pulling the door shut, he held it closed with his hand, he leant against the door breathing heavily, as the zombie banged against the door trying to break through.

His gaze switched to Cassandra who was still frozen in place. In one quick motion he had wrapped his arms around her pulling her against him, she buried her head in his neck as he ran his hand through her hair, he didn't know what to say to her. She didn't know what to say to him when his dad died. But all he knew was he wanted her by his side, so he hoped the same could help her — but how is it supposed to help, when they don't even know what happened to him and to everyone else.

Tears fell from Cassandra's eyes and onto Nick's shoulder and his arms tightened around her

"We should go" Cassandra's soft voice whispered "we should go" she pulled away from Nick he watched her walk into her room, Cassandra needed to be alone. She was sad about her dad even though as she got older they didn't have the best relationship. He always expected to much of her. Didn't understand what made her happy. Hated the man she loved. She knew he wanted what was best for her, that he loved her but he just went about it wrong.
She knew he loved her because of all the good memories she had when she was a child — he raised her alone. She was the last thing he had of her mother, who she knew he loved deeply and from the pictures she had seen, she was the spitting image of her mother. She could only imagine the pain her father went through seeing her but he loved It to, she was his reminder of the women he loved.

Nick tapped on the door where Elijah was locked in. Leaning the side of his head against It – he couldn't leave him there like that. It's not fair on him or Cass — his hand hovered over the handle but he was hesitant what if they could cure whatever this was and he killed him

Nick sighed turning around placing his forehead against the door

"I know..." Nick started not knowing why he was talking to a dead man. Nick thought maybe there was a chance he could hear–understand him. He needed to apologise in some way "I know I'm not the man you would want for her. I know I've put her through hell. But I do love her and I'm going to protect her, whatever this is. It won't get to her"

Nick turned quickly hearing the creaking of the wooden floor down the stairs panic filling him

"Nick?" Nick let out a sigh of relief upon hearing his mother's voice "Cass?"

"One minute, Mom"

Cassandra walked out of her room a bag resting on her shoulder. Taking a long look at her father's door

"Bye dad" she whispered, quickly making her way down the stairs. Upon seeing her tear Stained face Madison quickly rushed to there side, placing her hands on the girls cheeks, Cassandra looked everywhere but Madison's blue eyes knowing if she did she would break

"Her dad, he's sick" Nick told his mom, wrapping his arm around Cassandra's Shoulder bringing her into his side "like Cal. We can't help him"

The blonde looked at Cassandra with sympathetic eyes as Nick lead her out to the truck.

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