Chapter 20

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Nehemia walked to Mother's throne and curtsied. Mother rose from the throne, and everyone in the room kneeled except for Nehemia. Aelin brought forward a new crown- not the Princess' crown, but the Heir's crown. It was a replica of the crown Aelin had worn to war with the Valg, except made even more grand. But not as grand as the Queen or King's crowns, of course.

She then took a lap around the ballroom, looking at the room of her suitors and their parents, who had greeted Mother the day before in a grand feast. Her suitors all had their hands out, ready for her to claim.

She started her second lap, and found Haz.

She gracefully stopped, her dress flowing in synchronization with her body. She eyed Haz. His chestnut hair was shaggy, but not messy, and flowed in long waves to where his neck met his jaw. His hazel eyes were sharp and focused. Intelligent and kind. Kingly, Nehemia thought. His jawline was strong, and his lips... Nehemia kept herself from staring.

She reached for his hand and claimed it. He stepped out, his steps confident and precise. She led him to the center and set her hand on his shoulder. He took her waist, and their dance proceeded. They didn't speak for a while into it.

"Enjoying it so far, Princess?"

"I am, Prince. I think I will marry you." She said. Haz laughed. His breath smelled like fresh mint, and Nehemia had to force her eyes to keep from his lips. He may not be her mate, but this would not be a loveless marriage.

"Two days is all it took? I expected to have to work harder."

"And you will if you want to keep my heart. Getting a woman to want you is one thing. Getting a woman to choose you... That is another, Jaton." She said.

"I'm glad. Part of me enjoys the primality of it. The way it feels like a hunt." He admitted.

"You wish to consume my heart?"

"I certainly do." Nehemia's stomach fluttered.

"You are doing a good job of it. But, I must depart from this dance, my Prince. The other princes have traveled just as far. It'd be rude to not humor them." She said quietly. The prince seperated from her, and she felt oddly cold without him. He fell back into place, their dance having brought them perfectly around the room.

For the next two hours, she danced with the different princes. Some were handsome devils who admittedly excited her. Some were brutish and forceful, and she prayed for whichever poor princesses ends up in their beds. Some admitted to not wanting to marry her, which Nehemia respected if nothing else.

Finally, she released the final prince back to his spot. Finally, it was time for her to decide. She moved to the center and pretended to carefully look over each prince, before finally landing on Haz again.

"I choose Prince Jaton Haz of Praltak." She announced. "You may ask your question, Prince." The prince walked forward and kneeled in front of her.

"I, Prince Jaton Haz of Praltak, secondborn of Garick Haz and the Bane of Beasts, hereby ask you, Princess Nehemia of Terrasen, heir to the Terrasen throne and to the Western Faeries, daughter of the Fire-Bringer, and warrior of the Bastard's War for your hand in marriage."

"I accept your hand, Prince Jaton." Nehemia said. He lifted it, and she took it, as promised. He stood. At his full height, he was nearly a foot taller than her. "I look forward to the future." She said. The ballroom guests began their applause, geniune or not, and she began another dance with Jaton.

The other princes danced with ladies of the court- daughters of the lords and ladies of Terrasen and the Terrasen Royal Court, and some visiting friends. Lady Celaena of Anielle was dancing with a handsome prince, seeming very happy with her catch. She saw Aedion and Lysandra's daughter, Coriana Ashryver. Elide and Lorcan's daughter, Aelin Lochan. Fenrys had, a few years ago, found a Fae woman named Lexi who happened to be his mate. Their daughter, Vivian Moonbeam, danced as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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