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Jiang sect

This sect is known for natural beauty and righteous rule

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This sect is known for natural beauty and righteous rule. Jiang fengmian ruled this sect . Another reason this kingdom is famous is their youngest adopted children because their children are so powerful that all kingdoms recognize them. Jiang fengmian has two children and a foster child.He loves everyone equally.The eldest daughter is jiang yanli and 2nd  son's jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian is the youngest and he is the adopted. But madam yu loved her child more than Wuxian, she could never love Wuxian as her own child
But she could not misbehave with Wei Wuxian for fear of her husband but she always tried to make her children more privileged than Wuxian.

( Everyone's character will be the same as the untamed)

( Everyone's character will be the same as the untamed)

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All are deeply deliberating on an important matter.Because a marriage proposal came from Lans.The sect of lan is not an ordinary sect but it is known as a very powerful and peaceful sect.Here the marriage proposal is common but the person about whom the marriage proposal is sent is not common.
Lan Wangji, the second prince of Gusu sect, is known by one name.Not for any famous reason but because everyone knows him because he looks so ugly.Rumor has it that the second prince is so ugly that nobody sees him to this day and never even comes out of his jngxi. Many people say that he is cursed so he looks ugly.So no one has sent any marriage proposal for him till date. But suddenly a marriage proposal was sent to the Jiang sect .Madam Yu and jiang fengmian were present to discuss the matter.

In the Cultivation world, boy- boy marriage is common because they can become Immortals through cultivation, so they don't need an heir.The stronger their partner is, the faster they can dual-cultivate and the faster they can become immortal. So here boys and girls, regardless of who they are married to, everyone considers their partner strong.

Yanli's marriage was pre-arranged with Jin jixuan and  madam yu would never marry her son to that ugly prince .

Wuxian was left, Madam Yu was very happy if Wuxian's life partner was with a boy like this.
According to her , Wei Wuxian never deserves good. So he arranged this marriage with Wuxian but none of Family means, jiang Cheng, jiang fengmian and yanli not  agreed but wei Wuxian agreed!.
Because he loves his foster mother very much and he always tried to win her heart but never could . Also he was very afraid of his mother. he doesn't want this marriage, he also wants a man in his life who will always love him, respect him .But he will do anything for his mother's happiness.
Cheng and Yanli  couldn't say anything because Wuxian agreed for this marriage, they were helpless and the marriage proposal was fixed.

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