chapter 7

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Author's pov
"Oyy my brother didn't notice me"wai said charlie rolled his eyes on wai "Heyy rain" pran said "hey p'pran" rain said
"No it's your fault pan"pot said
"no it's your fault"pan said
"Guys that's enough"prat said
"Grandpa is inside"charlie said
"Ao p'pond didn't notice you"charlie said

Pond Naravit Kirigun

Age:21Dominant omega(I'm sorry ok I had no choice my freinds made me do it really sorry if you don't like it just skip it)Brother:charlie,jeff,wai,pranSassy,kind,soft hearted(really don't have a choice)

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Dominant omega(I'm sorry ok I had no choice my freinds made me do it really sorry if you don't like it just skip it)
Sassy,kind,soft hearted(really don't have a choice).


Ao your eyes are puffy did you cry"asked Woriedly
"mai"pond said
"Don't deny it"kuea said
"come on guys let's go inside"
Wai said

Inside the house
"Hi da Hi pa"Wai said
"ao you look like you cried pond"
uea said

"Uncle said the Theerapanyakuls are joining us"jili said
'really?" Haoxuan said

————————————————sorry for short chapter and about pond being an omega I really have no choice my freinds force me to do it don't forget to vote and follow byee love you guys❤.

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