Your eyes felt so heavy even as you straggled along the sheet of snow, ruining the perfect layout of it.

Exhaustion had hit in not long ago, making you feel like a walking corpse.

It only took a few more steps before you were falling to the ground, the snow mostly cushioning your fall as you tried to search for the feeling in your feet.

Your breaths came out in shallow white puffs, even gulping down whatever saliva your mouth could produce, which wasn't much, you could barely swallow without it hurting.

Was this really how you die? I mean, it's better then dying by that low life scumbag that had fucked you over, drained you dry and did nothing but hurt you.

It was better than staying with him, better than going through the physical, mental and emotional abuse he had put you through for years.

If you had stayed there, for even a day longer, you might've just killed yourself.

Plain and simple as that.

At least you were out of that hell hole, even if that means you were gonna die in such a slow way.

But now, something soft, yet so fucking heavy laid on you.

You were barely able to breathe. Yet you felt so warm, as if it was a weighted blanket - that weight over the average amount.

You grunted, the feeling in your fingertips now back as your hands felt over whatever it could.

The matted fur, the warm radiating from said fur.

So, so inviting.

You just needed to stay like that for a little longer, just a little longer.

You would've stayed there if it weren't for that noise it had made.

It sounded like a pig and a whale had a baby, it sounded disgusting.

“Get the fuck-” panting as you tried to lift the sack of whatever off of you. It was a struggle but you had managed- just barely.

The thing- that you found out to be a pony- only made a noise similar to a dying donkey as it got up.

You stared at the fucker that not only provided you with warmth but almost suffocated you to death with its weight and stench.

The weight horse that had a thick layer of random gunk on its fur.

You stared up at the pony as it huffed, puffs of white coming out from each nostril.

It seemed to protest having to get up, shaking its head as it did so.

You stumbled up, still shaking from the freezing morning cold.

You could feel the freezing temperatures go through your clothes, skin and flesh, making your bones ache as your teeth chattered.

The pony huffed again, its filthy tail flicking as it began walking away.

You had two options, one, walk in the opposite direction of the trotting pony, or two, follow the (sad excuse of a) miniature horse.

You followed quickly after the stench, not wanting to risk getting lost- it looked the same, just snow; white for miles and miles.

Your arms quivered from the cold as you trudged through the snow with the pony.

your eyebrows were furrowed trying to decide whether or to complain to the somewhat brainless pony.

Taking a deep breath in. “I've had a rough fucking day..” you grumbled, still following the horse around like a lost little lamb.

“A rough decade even, I spent ten years of my life with that man! All I wanted was a good relationship, I've seen good relationships, hoping, praying that my mind would be like that, I thought I did get it- but no! No that stupid mother fucker just wanted my money!.. I'm freezing.” You grumbled still shivering and complaining.

You were angry-still are angry- and rightfully so.

The pony only huffed.

You frowned deeply. “Don't fuckin’ huff at me you asshole..” you gritted through your teeth as the pony, much smarter then you had originally thought lead you to a shed, a worn down shed yet a shed nonetheless- a shelter for you to camp down in.

A shed that was abandoned, having cobwebs, a spider, a few insects and a few old rusted tools that have been long since abandoned.

Looking towards the horse you noticed it had an almost cocky look to it which caused you to glare. “Who the fuck asked you?” You said while making your way towards the inside of the shed, grabbing whatever you could to cover yourself.

You were freezing, freezing cold and this damn shed looked like it had jack shit, an old torn blanket with a few bugs crawling on it that you refused to use.

The pony looked especially smug about this- why did you even follow it in the first place? Well, only time will tell.

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