joining I.M.P.

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My pov:

I then walked inside the building as I was walking to i.m.p and I hope that we won't cause any trouble at all I don't want to hurt anyone at all but if I had to I guess I was gonna but only if they caused trouble I was now in front of a door that said I.M.P so I open the door but their was no one then I remember that they must be in a meeting but then I heard


Darkj mind: i guess we are at the part where they killed the kid.....and I wanted to kill that little shit

ShadowJosh mind: same

Then we hard the door open as blitzo and moxxie and Millie and the sexy goth hellhound that we all know loona they were talking to each other to do with the body as they all stop and look at me.....

I stand their like I was a kid who got caught with a cookie in my hand from the cookie jar but worse

Moxxie: uhhh sir their is a the office

Blitzo: oh wow you just figured that out mox wow you want a reward for that fucking retard

Before I could say hello at all blitzo pulls out his flintlock pistol and shot me in the head


Blitzo: BOOM headshot bitch alright job done

Millie: blitz now why would you do that I mean nice headshot but seriously

moxxie: she right sir what if he was just lost or something

Blitzo: oh will you guys get off my back I fix the problem he dead now and their nothing we can do abo-

Shadowjosh: owwww that hurt fuck

They all were shock as they look back even loona stop and look at I took the bullet off my head and my head healed fast as they were lost for words like a human survived a shot like that and just healed like nothing

Shadowjosh: you know you need to be nice blitzo oh here you go *stretches my arm like a cartoon and place it in his head as I pat his head*

I got up as I dusted myself and then pull out a hat out of my pocket and I do an old fashioned tip of the hat

Shadowjosh: greetings I'm shadowjosh and I know your shock at the display but don't worry I'm not here to hurt you I just wa-


i look down to see a bullet hole in my chest as a black tentacle took out the bullet and I healed as it was moxxie shaking in fear with a pistol of a Glock 22

Shadowjosh: nice Glock 22 mox but uhh that was rude so *snaps my fingers as I made sure they never use their weapons at all* you guys are grounded from using any weapons


Millie: wait your that human that was in the turf war in TV

Shadowjosh: yes I'm thank you Millie I appreciate you a lot

Moxxie: how are you doing all of this humans shouldn't have any abilities at all

Shadowjosh: I have no idea moxxie I just died and then I got these abilities anyway I want a job here

Then blitzo chimed in and looked happy

Blitzo: well why didn't you say so now hi my name is blit-

Shadowjosh: blitzo and the o is silent

Blitzo was shock but then smiled

Blitzo: well well well I'm liking you already you uhhhh

Shadowjosh: shadowjosh my name and that loona girl over they is name loona and why is she staring at me?

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