murder a family

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No one pov

We take place on what seems to be a of a someone narrating a out their life

???: I was a good person before it all went down....i was good my entire life

We then see someone getting the classroom prepared for teaching as she opens the window as their were two adorable birds singing inside the teacher know as Mrs Mayberry is writing good morning on the black board

Mrs. Mayberry: good morniiing

She twirls around and catch her chalk

Mrs. Mayberry: I hope you all did your homework

We see several smiling students except for one kid who has a white hat facing the wall as they began to sing a song

The class went silent as she announced that she forgot her husband birthday

Girl: maybe we can call him and do a happy birthday surprise

That when things went down hill for her as the scene changes to two people having an uhhh intimate time with each other as the computer of Mrs Mayberry was calling but a condom that no open yet was thrown and accepted the call

Mrs Mayberry and the kids saw everything but she was most hurt to see her husband getting cheated on by someone else her face went blank as she got up and left but before she could get to the door a girl grabbed her hand

Girl: wait Mrs Mayberry remember what you taught us think before you act

But she wasn't having that shit anymore she grabbed that child neck and yeet her through the roof she walks out the door as the kid see she went to her car and speed off then the kids saw the computer as mrs Mayberry had a shotgun

Jerold: oh shit sweetie what are you doing here?

Mrs Mayberry: SHUT UP JAROLD

A women scream as a shot was heard

Mr Mayberry: you scream like a bitch

Mr Mayberry shot that women as jerold was shocked

Jerold: oh god what have you done she had a family

Mrs Mayberry: *sobs* we could've have a family

She then shot her husband as she then realized what she did as another shot was heard as she said sorry to the kids before shooting herself

Mrs Mayberry narrating : you do everything right in life play by the rules and still get sent down here with all of hitlers and Epstein of the world

The camera then went down deep in the underworld as we see imp building and blitzo looks not interested as this women explains her life but she looks familiar

Mayberry: that why I'm here to get my revenge

She come out of the shadows as Mayberry looked different really different

Blitzo: I mean was she hotter?

Mrs. Mayberry then glares at blitzo and gave a what did you say expression as blitzo smirk and kept his big mouth talking

Blitzo: I'm just saying I had a hard time understanding the improvement melodrama you just spat at me tits

Mrs Mayberry was now pissed her hair flair up like a flame

Blitzo: anywayyy I don't think you understand how we operate down here see we take revenge out on the living and it sound like the core cast of your sitcom of death and frankly their down here In hell with you boop

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