Strange Dream

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    It was dark and he couldn't make out anything. "____ says she likes you" a high pitched voice spoke with vemon and irritation. Name looked around until he spotted a little girl. She had pink eyes and black hair similar to that of Ashley. She stood Infront of a boy, probably Andrew but a younger version. "Andrew!!" Name screamed as he tried to get his attention but the young boy didn't hear him,it was as if Name was in someone's memory and was granted the ability to just watch and do nothing.

    "Who?" Andrew asked as he looked at his sister. "A friend from school...or at least I thought she was a friend..." Ashley answered her brother, clearly upset about her friends crush. "So are you gonna be her boyfriend?"

    Andrew immediately disagreed causing his sister to burst into laughter. She looked joyous that her brother rejected her friend. "I should teach her a lesson! Your my brother mine and I'll make her think twice before stealing from another woman!" Ashley yelled, her tone sounded violence and deathly making Name's blood run cold.

  "....oh right. Your a girl too..." Andrew suddenly remembered causing Ashley to snap at him demanding to know what he meant and claimed to be the most person-est lady in the world. Name rolled his eyes not interested in what ever is going through the crazy girl's head. At least he now knows that the girl was a psychopath since she was a girl.

   "We should lock her in one of the crates in the old warehouse! Yeah that would teach her!" Ashley told her brother gaining a disapproved look from him.  I'm sorry... what?!  Andrew ignored what she said and told her about the errant his mother sent him and asked if he wanted to come.

   "Focus Andy. We should leave her there till morning that would teach her!" Ashley said enthusiastically wanting her brother to join her in the inhumane act. Andrew didn't like the idea so he hesitated before telling his sister he didn't want to do it. He looked so uncomfortable but Ashley ignore him and continued to talk about it."I thought she was your friend?..." Andrew asked. Ashley folded her arms"Well I thought so too! She can be afterwards. She just needs to be reminded how to do it properly"

   In a blink of an eye the scene changed from Ashley talking to her brother to Andrew placing a piece of wood into the lock slot if the crate. The poor girl in the crate paniced and her banging got harsher as she gasped and panted for air begging for them to release her. Ashley kept crying asking her brother if he truly loved her or just doing it because their mother asked him, she kept crying, trying to drown out the desperate pleads of the victim

  "No!! Please!! L-let me out!" The girl coughed out once she noticed that Andrew actually listened to her brother, screaming and kicking the crate as hard as she could. Ashley mocked her while her brother stayed silent, uncomfortable about the situation he was in. The siblings left later on but the girl kept screaming and kicking for hours.

   Name jolted awake,the dream wasn't scary just unsettling and disturbing. He was alone on Andrew's bed, drenched in sweat. He could hear the siblings arguing over something, it was a heated argument because they where yelling untop of their voices.

   Name hesitated at first, not wanting to eavesdrop but curiosity got the better of him. He got off the bed and walked to the door, placing his ear on it to hear better.

   "You mutilated and ate a corpse!! What else are we supposed to do?!"

  Name's eyes widen as he quickly moved away from the door. What did Andrew mean by that, he told Name it was the warden that brought food for them.

Did...did Andrew lie to him?


Andrew isn't like that....he wouldn't lie about something like that...would he?

His stomach cured as he felt he knee tremble and give in, he fell to the ground tears flowing down his cheeks as he clawed his throat. He felt betrayed and what hurted him more was that it was Andrew who did such a thing.

  [...You are exactly like your mother...]

    Name immediately gave in, he didn't hesitate as he vomited all over the floor. The smell was irritating and vild but he did not care. Pushing himself to the point he coughed and gagged on his blood, he crawled to the corner of the room, trying to get away from his stomach content, the smell alone caused him to gag.

"See Name. If you chop exactly at the joint it comes off easily"
"Come on sweetie try don't want any?"
"Well don't come bitching to me if you hungry! I cooked for you and this it the thanks I get?!"
"You'll do it someone,it might be me it might not..."

Her voice was sweet yet sickening, he still remembered it, remember how she made it look so normal. Ignoring her children's screams and pleads just to fill her stomach.

  [Now...your just like her...vild and disgusting!]

   Name felt his vision faded, he hasn't eaten anything and forcing himself to vomit whatever was in his stomach was a bad idea. He tried getting up, stumbling a bit but managed to get up. The siblings bickering did not help his headache, Name felt his legs shake as he tried to move towards the door.








  Name body immediately gave out, he fell forward with a loud thug causing the siblings to keep quiet for once. Name felt like a fool for believing such a lie. As if the warden would bring food to them one day after everything they have done to them. He allowed himself to slip into sweet unconsciousness, hoping to escape such a nightmare.

Word count: 1010 words


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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