Bad decisions

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"Today we share some  joyous developments in regards to the tainted water situation!"

"We're happy to announce that the apartments in which the tainted water were delivered has been secured!"

"It has been about three months since the first incident was discovered and the death till is at a comfy 53"

"No biggie, and the quarantine for those who are at risk has been extended to another two weeks"

"Again?!" Andrew said in frustration, one could understand, it's been weeks since the last food delivery and all of you were beyond hungry. It took all NAMES'  might not to eat the remote that was laying on the table in front of him. His eyes drifted from the remote to the Tv trying to get his mind of it.

"And to our friends in quarantine, thank you for keeping your disgusting parasite infected bodies far, far away from me!"

       NAME scoffed taking offence in what that dick of a reporter said. Andrew stood up claiming his going to bed and NAME would be sleeping on the couch,in which he agreed because it's not like he has a say in it.

    Ashley followed suit, she entered her room and sleep off in her bed leaving NAME in the leaving room alone. He stared at the ceiling trying to sleep but couldn't, quietly he stood up and walked to the balcony try to get some fresh air. It annoyed him how the public thinks all the quarantined victims are doing okay. Glancing to the left, the noticed the neighbor was up to his cultist crap again.

    The red light that shone dimly through the window gave it away, sweatdropping,NAME hurried back inside feeling uneasy about it. He laid down on the couch and sighed, he close his eyes pretending to be asleep

[You pretend to fall asleep till you actually fall asleep]
[Silly you]

  NAME wakes up due to the slight argument Andrew was having with someone on the phone. It seemed like the person didn't give him a chance to speak due to him being cut off a lot. With a sigh he puts the phone down.

    Ashley leans on the couch with a smugged look on her face "who was it?" Andrew sighed again clearly heartbroken but didn't want to show it. "My ex- girlfriend apparently" he answered back. NAME did not feel comfortable with the topic, he didn't know them that well to be included in such conversation

   Ashley began mocking her brother about the whole situation explaining to him how the ex never loved him the first place causing Andrew to get angry and stay in the balcony. The younger sibling sighed before turning her attention to you. "So NAME what where you doing before the warden brought you here"

   NAME stayed quiet for a while not sure how to answer that question. "...I stayed with my mom and my sister" he finally spoke after a long moment of silence. Ashley was intrigued, why was only him transfer her and not the family. "What happened to them?" NAME tensed at the question, he had no concern for his mother, she could die for all he cares but his sister...

   "My mom got the disease and my sister die of hunger" he spoke nonchalantly, it wasn't entirely true, his mother did get the disease acting like a violent mindless zombie. Her [h/c] skin turned to an ugly shade of grey and her [h/c] eyes had ugly eye bags underneath and not to mention her hunger increased.

But his sister....
He never wanted to remember what happened ever again. The way her screams and pleads fell on deaf ears as his mother  chopped her arm of clean with a cleaver. Explaining to the terrified boy that it's better to cut at  the joint rather than the bone.

   That night his sister died due to blood loss. The apartment barely had any medical equipment to patch her up so a torn hoodie sleeve was used to stop the blood but it wasn't enough so she died. NAME didn't eat the meat his mother cook to which she reacted  coldly towards him telling him that he shouldn't come bitching and moaning about hunger to her.

   Ashley looked at NAME with sympathy before patting him on the back and apologizing for his lose

[You managed to convince Ashley...such a petty liar]

NAME thanks her before saying his tired and wants to sleep so she left him. He closes his eyes and keeps them closed, not responding to anything until he falls asleep

Finally peace and quiet
" HEY!!! ME TOO!! ME TOO!!"

God damnit!

    NAME opened his eyes lazily, hissing at the unexpected brightness of the room. The noise is coming form outside. He goes over to the balcony, Ashley and Andrew where already there. Ashley was the first to notice him. "Good morning sleepy head~" NAME responds with a nod, he looks ove the rail to see an ambulance rushing a woman to the hospital.


  "Color me surprised they actually got that person some help I thought they'll leave her there to die" Andrew said in amusement. Ashley looked at her brother "maybe she died. She wasn't moving." NAME immediately disagreed "ambulances don't blare their sirens for the dead"

Ashley looked at the [h/c]ette, "she wasn't moving" the girl quickly informed the boy again, who rose his eyebrow in confusion "you say that from up here?" Ashley shrugged "maybe she went into labour or something" she suggested, her brother hesitated but agreed.

  "Do you think if they'll bring us food if I was preg-"  "absolutely not." Andrew interrupted the girl, giving her a glare. NAME immediately began laugh when she suggested that she could get the cultist to get her pregnant causing Andrew to scream "over my dead body"

  "I'll just head inside" Andrew said with a sigh, fed up with his sister and her crazy ideas. "And that woman did even look pregnant anyways!" Andrew yelled from inside causing his sister to yell back.

  NAME moved back inside and laid in his new 'bed' once again. He could sleep not after that long as nap he took. Ashley went to bed and Andrew has already gone to bed leaving NAME once again to himself.

  His eyes wandered back to the remote that never left it's place. His stomach growled asking its owner to fulfill its desire. Reluctantly, NAME reached for the remote and stared at it. He couldn't handle it.  The hunger was unbearable and with nothing to eat what do you expect.

[Do least fill your stomach]

  How he did it know one could understand. But he did it. He bit out a big chuck from the remote and ate it but not to long after swallowing it,he rushed to the toilet to throw up. Tears pricked his eyes as he tried to get the unedible pieces out his stomach. Once he was done, he flushed and staggered back to the couch. He didn't need to try. He was weak already so he just passed out there to tired to even dream about anything.

Word count: 1200 words

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