A little Fever

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I just wanted to apologize for the confusion in the previous chapters, I got confused on how to describe the eye color and hair color but I read some fanfiction books and saw how to use it. Again I'm sincerely sorry


   You woke up to the sound of banging, you groaned in annoyance. The sound was not helping your throbbing head, you felt cold and you body was aching you badly.

      [Seems like you have a fever...too bad]

You shuffled around on the couch, trying to get comfortable but failing badly. "How many times are you going to do that? Its clearly barred from the outside" Ashley asked her brother as she approached him. Andrew turned to his sister "what else am I suppose to do?"

  "You shouldn't bang on the door. The warden hates that shit" You warned Andrew, your voice sounded hoarse and it hurted as you talked. The two siblings looked at you, their expression screaming 'elaborate'. "He'll beat the shit out of you. He did it to my mom."

   The silence did not last long. The wardens voice echos through the house. "If you don't stop your God damn bang I wouldn't bring any food tonight!" He warned in a harsh and threatening manner. You rolled your eyes, you knew he wouldn't do it either way so what's the point of arguing or threatening them with it

  "You wouldn't either way!!" Andrew argued back, clearly sick of the man's voice. "Says you the delivery would be here in a matter of hour. I guess you don't want any~" the man mocked as he waited for Andrew to respond but was meet with silence.

"Yeah that's what I fucking though. You better stop your bang, bang, banging on the door or I'll bang your head against the wall!" And with that the man left. The silence was irritating you, your body was hurting to much and it didn't help that you were hungry.

  "His fucking lying" you spoke up, sitting up and looking at the siblings. "How can you be sure? What if I fucked it up for all of us?" Andrew asked you as he nibbled on his finger. "Unlikely. Guess we just have to wait and see."

   [And you guys did!! And absolutely nothing was delivered...too bad, so sad]

  You guys laid on the mat, looking at the ceiling not knowing what to do. Ashley sighed "...one of you say something... anything" she was practically begging to be engaged in something. You groan for the thousandth time and laid on your side.

   Andrew noticed and grew worried. Dispite knowing you for a limited time, he has grown attached to you. Your calm and quiet demeanor and and personality. Your perfect skin and [fluffy/curly] hair. So you groaning and moaning like that really disturbed him.

   "You good [N/N]?" He asked as he crawled closer to you. Ashley stared at him in disbelief. Since when is he this touchy with people and what's with the nickname? Even you were thrown off with the nickname. You smiled weakly "I'm fine.just a fever" you turned to look at him.

  Ashley scoffed and folded her arms. She clearly didn't like the though of you capturing Andrews' attention. "How do we know you don't have the sickness just like your mother " she asked emphasizing the word mother.
You rolled your eyes. You didn't care what or how she spoke about your mother, the bitch is good as dead.

  "Please if I were to have that disease. I would have lost all feeling of my body or some shit like that" You explained the symptoms to the two of them. Andrew placed the back of his palm against your forehead. You were burning up and beads of sweat made its home on your forehead. Your cheeks flushed due to how cold Andrew's hand was.

  You moved back a bit, causing Andrew to redraw his hand. Your flushed cheeks caused his cheeks to head up as well. Your vision was becoming blurry as the pain increased. Tears pricked the side of your eyes as you tried to stay awake.








  "Shit!! NAME!!"

  [Oh no...looks like NAME fainted]

You open your eyes sluggishily, you hissed at the bright light of the Tv. You were laying on Andrew's lap, his hand was playing with your hair as his attention was on the Tv. Ashley was beside him, she shot you occasional glares while you slept. "Oh good your not dead" Ashley said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. You sat up and looked through the balcony window. It was night.

  "How long was I out?" "A couple hours" Andrew said as he focused on you, his eyes litted up a little once he saw you were awake and fine. "there's food on the stove." You looked at him as if he grew an extra head. Did the warden actually bring food? You looked over to the kitchen and indeed there was a pot in the stove. "Are you going to gawk at it or are you going to eat?" Ashley sassed as she looked at you. She really didn't like how close you where to her brother. He was meant for her and no one can have him.

  "The warden actually brought food?" You asked them.
    The two siblings glanced at each other before looking at you. Andrew grabbed his sister's wrist and pulled her up. "How about you go eat. I need to talk to Ashley for a minute"  his voice sounded colded as he pulled his sister, who protested and struggled, to the balcony.

  You walked over to the stove and removed the cover from the pot. It was meat stew but something looked off about the food. You stared at it, not knowing what to do.

  [Just eat it. It's better that a remote]

  That damn voice. You hesitated but dishes your self a protion to eat. You brought a spoon full of the meal to your mouth and tasted it. It wasn't too good, the meat was nearly cooked but you had no other option so you ate it. Once you where done eating, washed the dishes in the sink and walked back to the couch and laid down. Feeling a bit off your energy return.

  The siblings came back in, Ashley praised your for finishing your food and told you that Andrew was a picky eater. You got tired quicky and tried to fall asleep. "Hey [N/N]....you can sleep in my bed if you want." You looked up to see Andrew by the door frame of his room, fiddling with his finger. You smiled and walked over to him. Thanking him of course as you both made way to his bed and laid together. Andrew snuggling close to you, trying to keep you warm and safe.

Word count: 1153 words


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