Turning Point

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The whole day I was a mess. For my first class I went into the wrong classroom, then I left my bag there after the period was over. I had to go back for it and because I did, I was late from my next class. I just couldn't find my place between lectures and Ana's fast words about the upcoming dance and how she was waiting for it to come made my head dizzy.

How I wished that these everyday gossips could hold my attention but sadly my mind's eye always turned back to that moon numbed memory where Edward and I exchanged a few words and apparently I ripped his shoe off from his feet. Or Did I rip his whole leg off? I couldn't remember but he had his leg this morning so I couldn't rip it off.

The details were annoyingly murky. Why was he even there? How did he trigger such an emotion in me that I wanted to kill him? Did I meet him outside the streets or inside the house? Why would he be inside our house? How did he get away? Did he outrun the whole forest while it bent after him? The more I thought about it the less sense it all made.

My mind was completely numb when I got to lunch break. I didn't have the energy for the next period. I just wanted to go home. I rested my head on our usual table whining quietly when Nora hit my side.

"Why?" I yelped up and glared at her.

"Your sister and Edward are eating lunch together." She answered without moving her eyes from the spot that she was staring.

I followed her gaze and to my horror she was right. At the other side of the cafeteria sat Edward with Bella, farthest from the Cullen table where he usually sits with his siblings. The three of them eyed his table almost the same way as I did. With unbelieved and slightly upset eyes. Alice was the only exception who was drawing something in her notes seemingly unfazed from this event.

"Are they dating?" Nora asked without looking away.

"With my knowledge, no." I answered.

"Will they date?" Ana arrived at our table. She put her tray down and sat next to me.

"I hope not." I replied.

"Oh but that would be so great. Imagine Queen Jessica going green from jealousy." Nora snickered.

"She is already a pain in the ass. I don't need more reason to hit her." I grumbled.

"Aren't people going yellow from jealousy?" Ana pointed out the most important thing from our conversation.

"No, I am sure it is green." Nora argued back.

This was the time when I fully concentrated on more important matters like everdropping my step-sister and that unidentified creature's conversation. They were talking in a hushed voice so the neighboring tables wouldn't hear them.

"So in plain english, are we friends now?" Bella asked the boy.

"Friends..." He mused.

"Or not." Disappointedly, Bella glanced down on her hands.

"Well we can try of course, but I warn you I am not a good friend for you." Edward smiled at her.

It wasn't a fully kind smile. There was something predatory behind the mask that he put on. Every nerve in me screamed. Run you fools! Like Gandalf did with his wand up to protect Frodo and the company. Should I be the wizard in this situation? Should I just yank my sister away from him and yell. YOU SHALL NOT PASS! This would be the wisest choice for me. But then I would just strengthen the idea that something was wrong with the Cullens and then Bella would be one-hundred percent curious. I don't want that.

"What are you thinking?" Edward asked Bella after a longer silence.

"I am trying to figure out what you are." Bella stated and I almost hit my head at the table.

The Story Of Alora DwyerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz