Chapter 18

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Once we get into the school building, I pick up a sword from one of the display racks, before running out into the quad with Autumn, which was now on fire. Crackstone is about to use his magical staff on some students in our year level when we arrive.

"Howdy Pilgrim." I announce my presence from behind him, and he turns in surprise.

"How canst thy heart still still beat? What demon sorcery is this?" He growls. 

Before either of us have a chance to do or say something, a voice from behind Autumn and I interrupts us. 

"Stay away from her!" I turn in surprise to see Xavier holding a bow, watching as he shoots it at Crackstone's head. Crackstone stops the arrow mid air, and slowly turns it, flipping it to face Xavier's direction. Fuck. 

Without giving myself a second to think, a jump in front of Xavier's path, the arrow hitting my shoulder and knocking me to the ground. 

"No!" Autumn shouts in panic, running over to me. 

"Oh my god." Xavier crouches besides me. 

"I'm fine. Xavier, go, get them out of here!" I gesture to the people in the quad still. 

"Now!" I add when he doesn't move immediately. 

"Here, let me help." Autumn whispers softly, speaking quickly as she pulls the arrow out of my chest. I wince, but she places her hand over the wound, causing warm energy to flow through me, and within seconds the wound is gone.

I scramble to my feet, pulling Autumn up with me, and pick up the sword again. 

"You!" Crackstone points to Autumn. "You're a healer. Come to my side, and help me rid all outcasts! I need a healer to fix my body's elderly form."

"I'm good. And you really need a new skincare routine, those wrinkles aren't pretty to look at." She stands at my side, her palms facing out, ready to use her powers. 

He huffs in anger. "Have it your way then." 

He lifts his staff, and uses his powers to throw Autumn back against the wall of the quad, and she drops to the ground, winded. I want to run over to her, to see if she's okay, but I know her. She was strong, and she would be okay. Besides, I had to face Crackstone. The prophecy from Rowan's drawing showed that it was between me and him. I had to destroy him.  

"You're going to regret doing that." I strike my sword out, only for him to block it with his staff. He lifts his staff to swipe at me, but I backflip to get out of the way, knocking his hat off in the process. We keep fighting, until one of his swipes with his staff breaks my sword. Well fuck. 

He uses his staff to push me against a crate, placing the point of the staff on my chest. I struggle, unable to move. 

"I will send you back to hell." He whispers, a malicious glint in his eyes. 

He pushes the staff even closer to my chest, the end of it glowing red, and I writhe in pain. 

All of a sudden he drops his staff, his knees giving out as he screams on the ground. I glance behind him to see Autumn with her palms out and eyes closed. She must be inflicting pain on him. I use the distraction to get up and pick up one of the broken shards from the sword. 

His scream is piercing, as he struggles to move, and I march towards him, and without wasting another second, I plunge the shard directly into his black heart.

I twist it, and it makes a sizzling sound, before taking it out, and watching as he staggers backwards. He lets out a horrifying gasp before his body bursts out in flames, as he slowly wastes away, smoke replacing where he once stood. 

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