Chapter 3

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My hands work over the cello, my head bent in concentration as Thing flicks the music sheet for me. It's an eerie night, and I brought my cello out on the balcony to play, hoping to distract myself from the strange feelings I have been encountering since we returned from the Weathervane. I must be catching something, a cold perhaps.

I finish the song, Thing tapping to communicate to me.

"No, I don't really feel better." I say flatly. I pause. "There's just something wrong about this place. Not just because it's a school."

I hear the door behind me creak open, looking over my shoulder to see Enid climbing through the window.

"How the hell did you get that oversized violin out the window?" She asks incredulously.

"I had an extra hand." I say, looking at Thing as he gives a small wave. Vain little hand.

"Whoa." someone says from behind me, and I turn to see Autumn climbing through the window.

"What are you doing here?" I demand, angry that the strange feelings from earlier today flair up as she comes closer.

"Jeez someone is happy to see me." She rolls her eyes. "Enid let me in. You said you'd show me some of your story at 9, remember?" she says with a smirk.

Fuck. I'd forgotten about that.

"Another time." I pause awkwardly, averting my gaze. "Something came up."

"Something came up?" Autumn repeats, suspicion clouding her gaze as she glances around at the cello on the balcony, indicating she doesn't believe me. Which is honestly fair. It doesn't look too good for me right now.

"Yes. It's secret."

She sighs. "Okay well ... let me know another time I guess. I'll, um, see myself out." She plasters on a small, friendly smile, but I don't miss the disappointment the flashes across her face for a split second before she composes herself.

She turns.

My body moves faster than my brain.

"Wait." I say, grabbing her wrist in my urgency to stop her from leaving.

She turns to face me in surprise, looking down at our hands, amusement dancing across her eyes, her face oddly calm. I feel heat warm my cheeks, an unusual sensation. I never blush. I quickly drop my hand.

"Well?" She prompts, raising a brow with an amused smirk plaster on her face, that makes me want to scowl. I could feel her smugness oozing off her in obnoxious waves. What on earth was she smug about? Only then did I realise I had been staring. I could beg for death to take me at this very moment, feeling unbearably awkward and out of place. I seriously must be catching something ... my feelings are ... off. Maybe just a cold, perhaps? Yes that sounded about right, it'd explain this uneasy feelings.

"I'll show you, another time. I promise." I always stick to my promises.

"Sure." Autumn sounds uncertain. "I'll, uh, see you tomorrow then, Wednesday." She turns to walk back to the window, and my body aches, wanting her to stay. What the fuck? Why do I want this girl, that I only met recently to stay? I scowl at myself internally, feeling betrayed by my feelings.

Autumn pauses at the window, turning her head over her shoulder.

"I could feel your guilt. I know you were lying." She says, with a small, sad smile. And with that she climbs through the window and leaves.

Shit. I forgot she could feel emotions. Especially with physical contact, like when I grabbed her wrist.

Enid clears her throat behind me. I turn to her, scowling.

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