Chapter 2: Capturing Hellman! Talking with Rogue

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 2 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

Red Hood P.O.V

"After getting enough rest to go along with the plan to capture Hellman, after he wakes up he gets a message from V telling him the plan which he decided to go to his gun collection to grab his pistols putting them in his holsters along with grabbing a couple more guns:

"After getting enough rest to go along with the plan to capture Hellman, after he wakes up he gets a message from V telling him the plan which he decided to go to his gun collection to grab his pistols putting them in his holsters along with grabb...

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he loads up in ammo walking down stairs to a garage to choose a vehicle to take and he decided on one that can help him move through the desert:

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.....................he loads up in ammo walking down stairs to a garage to choose a vehicle to take and he decided on one that can help him move through the desert:

he loads up in ammo walking down stairs to a garage to choose a vehicle to take and he decided on one that can help him move through the desert:

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.....................he starts it up and drives out a hidden cave onto the sand heading in the direction of where to meet V and Panam. After some time he arrives on a hill to see Panam's Thorton parked by the road where he sits and waits for the plan to start until V starts calling him.....................
V 'Holo': " Hey, where you at?"
Red Hood: "On a hill waiting for the plan to start. I see you two below me."
V 'Holo': "Damn. How'd you get here so fast?"
Red Hood: "One of my rides I have, been wanting to use this and now I am? So, planning to cause an EMP?"
V 'Holo': "Panam's idea. We just wait before the convoy can go over. It's risky, but it's what we have to do."
Red Hood: "I'll be ready?"
.....................the call ends to start waiting with Red Hood leaning on his motorcycle looking out seeing the land along with the city with unknown flashes happening with memories appearing which he looks away trying not to remember. The engine of a Thorton is heard for Panam driving off heading towards the power plant Shi h he gets ready starting up his motorcycle to drive down the hill to another cliff seeing them drive in and out with them arriving to him to wait again, after a couple minutes the convoy is seen with explosions happening causing the EMP weakening the convoy, Panam shoots a rocket at it making it go off course shocking Red Hood of her action.....................
Panam: "Hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about!"
Red Hood: "Wild. But, I like it."
Panam: *smiles* "Come on, it's going to crash."
Red Hood: "Right behind you."
.....................she drives off with Red Hood driving from behind following the convoy until droves appeared with a gun that's on Panam's Torton shoots at them having trouble hitting them until it shoots down one, but the gun malfunctions with Panam repairing it, but gets shot in the process causing Red Hood to shoots at them destroying them. The convoy crashes with them stopping as Red Hood runs to the diver side of Panam's Thorton seeing her injured.....................
Red Hood: "Don't move." *injects her with healing syringe*
Panam: *groans* "That was a little hard on impact, but helpful. Thanks."
Red Hood: "It crashed, but we have to worry about the defenses."
Panam: "Another situation happened. Mitch and Scorpion, two guys I know from my Nomad clan. They got involved. *he looks at her* V just got done checking everything and they need help." *goes to get out, groans in pain*
V: "Woah Panam, you're in no shape to fight. Let us handle it."
Panam: "Hell no! They need me!"
Red Hood: "Panam you're hurt and you can't do anything because of that, let us handle it. We will find Mitch and Scorpion, I know how you feel. We'll save them."
Panam: "I... Fine. But, I have Mitch's rifle. I will try to cover you from here."
Red Hood: "Right. Let's go V!"
V: "Got it."
.....................they run to the crash site until they hide behind a rock looking to see the defenses along with the guard robots patrolling everywhere around it.....................
V: "There's too many, we'll have to take care of them and the defenses of we need to get Hellman."
Red Hood: *loads clip in Sniper Rifle* "Then let's kill some bots!"
.....................V runs out shooting at them with Red Hood shooting as well easily destroying the bots leading up to the big drone, Red Hood grabs a grenade to throw it into the fans making g it fly until it explodes making it spin outta control until it crashes. V deactivates the defenses on the convoy with Panam running up opening the door seeing someone being held hostage by a Kang Tao Pilot with Red Hood jumping in throwing a knife at the Pilot's head making him stagger back letting go of the hostage with Red Hood beating him to to stab the knife further in his head killing him.....................
Panam: "Damn! *he removes the knife* Better not get on your bad side."
Red Hood: "You never will."
Panam: "Mitch, are you alright?"
Mitch: "Just some scratches."
Panam: *roughly pushes him* "You fucking morons!"
Mitch: "Did you get hit?... Hang on, girl. I'll patch you up."
Panam: "It's nothing, Red Hood helped me. Let's go."
Mitch: "Wait, Red Hood? *looks at him* Oh shit! I guess I owe you a thanks for saving me. *looks at Panam* But, we couldn't retreat Panam... They regrouped so fast, started shootin' rockets 'n' shit. I lost everyone."
Panam: "Everyone? ...Scorpion? Is he here? *he looks away sad* Mitch? Mitch!? He's--- He's safe right?"
Mitch: "Panam, I'm sorry. I didn't make it in time."
Panam: *sits on a broken pieces of the convoy* "No. No! Are you sure? No, he..."
V: "Scorpion, the rest... I'm sorry we didn't get here sooner."
Mitch: "They were good people. Great people. They didn't need to die here."
Red Hood: "I'm sorry for your losses, I know how it feels to lose friends and people I considered family."
Panam: "I should have stopped him."
Mitch: "I tried. He wouldn't have listened to you either. Never was much of a listener."
Panam: "Stubborn bastard."
Mitch: "I'm guessin', since you were out here, you were out here for the AV. The question is why?"
V: "Why didn't you dive straight for the AV? Didn't your notice the markings?"
Mitch: "We saw it was damaged, we knew this land, we knew where it would fall. We had no idea it was Kang Tao. I figured they might need help. In the worst case, there'd be good salvage to be had. *looks down* Could've been more wrong..."
Red Hood: *kneels next to him* "There was a guy in it that we're after, what happened to him?"
Mitch: "Took him with 'em. In our cars."
V: "Where?"
Mitch: "West. Small unit, your passenger's entourage."
Red Hood: "They'll be lookin for a place to set up a base until backup arrives."
Mitch: "So you're the ones who hit 'em with that EMP?"
V: "Yeah... We tried to warn you, but we couldn't connect."
Panam: "If they took your cars, we might be able to follow their tracks."
Red Hood: "Hellman is who we're after, we need to hurry. Panam, *she looks at him* will you help us?"
Panam: "Yes. Those bastards killed Scorpion, I won't get that go.
Mitch: " Go. I'll call my people. We'll take care of things here.
Panam: "We'll leave my ride here, *stands up* just in case. Jjst watch the gun, it likes to jam. We'll go by bike."
Mitch: "Sounds solid. Many Tao lost contact with their AV. Probably lookin' for it. Better hurry. But, Panam..."
Panam: "What?"
Mitch: "You're comin' back for her, right?"
Panam: "I promise."
Red Hood: "Let's hurry before backup arrives."
Panam: "Agreed."
V: "Let's ride. Hope they didn't go far."
Panam: "We'll see. Tire tracks start there, we'll follow."
.....................he scans the tires to make a simulation where they went with Red Hood returning to his motorcycle with V taking one motorcycle and Panam takes the other. They drive off following the tires to an abandoned building which they killed them, but wasn't the one holding Hellman leading the other one to a fueling station where they took him. Red Hood arrives to hop off the motorcycle loading a clip in his assault rifle seeing drones and patrols around it signaling he is there. He sees V sneak in one way with him jumping on the roof killing a couple Kang Tao guards with V starting to shoot at them with Red Hood shooting at them as well easily killing more along with more drones destroyed. He jumps through a window to the store blocking an attack from another guard knee striking him in the gut to crack his neck killing him to empty an entire clip on another bringing out a pistol shooting three in the head killing then. Two more appear only to spin kick both of them shooting them, he walks in the garage to check seeing no more with V running up behind him.....................
Red Hood: "Anything?"
V: "Ran into the owner, told me Hellman must be upstairs."
.....................they run up to the room opening the door scaring the Many Tao Guard, but gets knocked out by Red Hood with V knocking out Hellman.....................
V: "Don't take it personal."
Red Hood: "Where do we take him?"
V: "Same hotel."
Red Hood: "I'll meet you there."
.....................she takes him to the motorcycle with him sneaking out avoiding Panam's Nomad family heading to the hotel. The moment the sun starts setting V arrives with Hellman to place him in the chair, after some time they decide to wake up.....................
V: *slaps him* "Hey."
Hellman: *wakes up scared* "Where am I?"
V: "Hotel. Middle of nowhere."
Hellman: "Any specific middle?"
Red Hood: "Pretty sure that doesn't matter now."
Hellman: *looks at him scared* "No please. *covers his head* I don't work for Arasaka anymore, don't kill me!"
Red Hood: "Calm down. I'm not going to kill you, we have some questions to ask you."
Hellman: *stops cowering* "Why are we here?"
V: "I want to talk about your little invention. Biochip you made for Arasaka."
Hellman: "Fine. But, let's get one thing straight. Yorinobu Arasaka didn't send you?"
Red Hood: "Would I be here? No. So, he didn't send V from the reputation I have against them."
Hellman: "Right, I forgot. Which means you have an offer for me. If your boss will pay more than Kang Tao, I believe we can talk."
V: "Nobody sent us. I got a problem, and you're going to help me."
Hellman: "And what does that have to do with the Biochip?"
V: "Silverhand's construct is in my head. It's literally driving me crazy, and I know it's only gonna get worse. That is, unless I remove it. And that, none of the billboard's I saw. Not even in the fine print."
Hellman: "Silverhand? Construct...? That's impossible! Where did you get this Biochip?"
V: "Klepped it off Yorinobu Arasaka. Job for a client, but the client left me out to dry."
Hellman: "And you decided the best place for it was your own goddamn head?"
Red Hood: "Hey! *grabs his suit* Job obviously went wrong and she had no choice to put it in her head, what other choice would she have thought of?"
V: "Red Hood, easy."
Red Hood: "You're lucky." *pushes him back into the chair*
V: "It wasn't a bad idea. Construct rebooted me when my own goddamn head took a bullet."
Hellman: "I always knew Yorinobu's plan would fail. I just never imagined it would turn out like this. Arasaka's prize tech really is in the very street of the city."
Red Hood: "Seriously? What about what they did for that to happen? The lives they destroy, the innocence they killed, where they are now because of that! And what's happening to V right now with this construct."
V: "Yeah. You have to remove the Biochip from my system."
Hellman: "It's not that simple."
Red Hood: "What?"
V: "Look, you made the thing, didn't you? So, where's the problem?"
Hellman: "If you're telling the truth, you slotted a new, experimental version of the Biochip."
Red Hood: "And how is that different? Different engram? More aggressive?"
Hellman: "The Biochip is what's unique, not Silverhand's engram. The previous version of the chip was only used to communicate with pre-saved engrams."
V: "And rare as fuck and costed a fortune, yeah."
Hellman: "This one's rarer. Meant to install and activate the engram  in a new body. When I left Arasaka, the project was still in the trial phase."
Red Hood: "Trial phase? Then what's happening to V if it was a trial?"
V: "What he asked, how exactly this new version was it supposed to work?"
Red Hood: "Maybe kicking the people out of of their bodies and let someone else take over living their life or going back to what their life was. That's bad if you ask me."
Hellman: "I-I-It wasn't like that. During the tests, we assumed the body would be... neurally indifferent during implantation."
V: "Y'mean dead?"
Hellman: "Yes. Which means what happened to you is interesting indeed."
Red Hood: "Interesting?"
V: "Yeah, yeah great, your tech works. Now get it out of me."
Hellman: "I would have to see it first."
V: "Woah. We just met. Haven't built up that sorta trust yet."
Hellman: "How did you think this was going to go? If you want me to help you, I must examine you."
V: "Okay."
.....................Hellman slots the wire in V's head to scan the chip with Red Hood placing a hand on his pistol just in case anything happens, after some time.....................
Hellman: "Oh fuck."
Red Hood: "What?"
V: "What is it?"
Hellman: "What a pity I won't examine it fully."
Red Hood: "So, you can't help?"
V: "Tell me how to get rid of it."
Hellman: "I'm afraid I have bad news. Your neural network has completely deteriorated. It can no longer function independently of the chip. The only thing I could do is give you information on a good clinic in Sweden. They'll help you through the terminal stages, minimize the pain."
Red Hood: "You said the chip was in the trial phase and if the clinic did do that it would be like removing a tumor from her brain, she could die after that!"
Hellman: "Yes. It is devouring her brain. It's programmed to take over it's new environment. At all costs. And your little meat brain is helpless against it."
V: "So no matter what, sooner or later the engram wins?"
Hellman: "Yes. And from what I've heard about Silverhand, that seems to be exactly his style."
V: "What exactly is going on in my head?"
Hellman: "You tell me. What's it like having two personalities? Because it's not like you're hearing voices. You're both yourself and Silverhand, simultaneously."
Red Hood: "What?"
V: "I can see and talk to him."
Hellman: *shakes his head* "You're not 'talking' to him, but yes. I understand what you mean. Have you noticed your construct's influence on decision-making?"
V: "What do you mean?"
Hellman: "You will start doing things that were once unthinkable, at least to.your old self."
Red Hood: "By that you mean Johnny Silverhand taking over her body?"
Hellman: "And you know what he was. A fanatic, a terrorist, a suicide bomber."
V: "At least Johnny never whored himself out like you."
Hellman: "Are you defending him? Or is that Johnny speaking now? Oh, let me guess - he already tried to take over your body? You know, just for a little while?"
Red Hood: "You think this is funny?"
Hellman: *raises hands in defense* "No, no, no, no, no, I didn't mean to offend."
V: "He never tried to take over my body. And know what? That's enough. You just playing playing for time? Because I can't tell - are you trying to convince me you're useless?"
Red Hood: "He can't think of a way, so he obviously is!"
V: "If that's the case we can shoot him and save us both time."
Hellman: "I will try to help you - if you come with me to Kang Tao."
Red Hood: "Hell no! Not happening, I may hate Arasaka more. But, I don't think Kang Tao should be trusted."
V: "Yeah. Forge Kang Tao. Got any other leads?"
Hellman: "If you think there's anyone else who can help you, I could give you the blueprints. Complete project documentation, Many Tao offered quite the sum for it."
V: "You got it with you?"
????: "V?"
.....................the door opens revealing a guy walking in with Red Hood pointing a gun at him making him alarmed with V standing up standing between them.....................
V: "Woah, woah, woah, chill!"
Hellman: "Takemura? What the hell are you doing here?"
Red Hood: "What is this bastard from Arasaka doing here?"
V: "He's got questions of his own for Hellman. You play nice, he might even save your ass. And he isn't with Arasaka anymore, they tried to kill him. *Red Hood holsters his pistols* We're almost done. The blueprints."
.....................Hellman gives V a chip which slots in another port in her head to look at it, after some time she nods at Red Hood and they walk out with him and Takemura looking at each other while walking out until V looses balance to lean over the rail puking blood.....................
Red Hood: "V? *goes to her* V? What's wrong?"
V: "The Biochip, malfunctioning. I need to--"
....................she goes down the stairs until she falls on the ground with Red Hood helping her to the stone bench while she looks dizzy. He grabs a inhaler to make her use it to calm down with her leaning back breathing normally.....................
V: "What is that stuff?"
Red Hood: "Special meds for something you're going through, here *gives it to her* if it happens again; use it."
V: "Thanks. Never expected you to care after the killings you did. I realize on Arasaka, but why the Tyger Claws?"
Red Hood: "Those dolls were innocent despite what they are hired to do and everything else in Night City. But, my main objective is to destroy Arasaka for the pain they caused along with the arose they done to me."
V: "Must be really bad."
Red Hood: "You should know after the choom you lost."
V: "You lost friends?"
Red Hood: "I lost a family along with a guy who I considered my brother, that's why I helped you and Panam with Hellman. But, I won't get the answers from him. But, *looks at her* you can help. I need to talk to Rogue."
V: "Rogue?"
Red Hood: "Me and her have the same objective and she is the only one to help."
V: "Whatever it is I hope it helps."
Red Hood: "And along the way I'll help you with your situation for whatever I find."
V: "Thanks Red Hood. If there's anything you need, I'll be there."


.....................Red Hood nods from what she said to walk to his motorcycle and drives back to Night City with V calming down from the Relic malfunction.....................
Johnny: "Destroying Arasaka? Definitely reminding of me, still one hundred percent choom."
V: "You know him from what he said?"
Johnny: "From remembering, no. I don't remember anyone who lost something from Arasaka. I don't know how long that was for him."
V: "Was it wise to give him contact with Rogue?"
Johnny: "I doubt he'll do anything to her since they have something against Arasaka, just what it is. We might find out."

Rogue P.O.V the bar known as Afterlife where Fixers are met at to get Gigs and hang out, one of those Fixers is Rogue Amendiares. She is sitting at her seat until she gets a random call from an unknown number which she answers.....................
Rogue: "Who is this?"
Red Hood 'Holo': "It's Red Hood. *her eyes widen* I want to talk to you."
Rogue: "Red Hood? The Red Hood? Okay. What do you want?"
Red Hood 'Holo': "Meet me on the roof of the Afterlife, we'll talk there."
.....................she walks to the roof to see the city from the view waiting there until a thud is beard which she looks seeing the Red Hood standing there.....................
Rogue: "So the call was real, it is you."
Red Hood: "I needed to talk to you about someone you're after, a personal vendetta."
Rogue: "And who might that be?"
Red Hood: "Adam Smasher."
Rogue: *looks at him shocked* "You know I'm after him? What made you guess?"
Red Hood: "He killed Johnny Silverhand, and he killed people I considered family. If there's a chance of taking him out we need to work together. And I'll have every resource along with yours to take him out."
Rogue: "Seems reasonable. If I know anything I'll call."
Red Hood: "Good."
Rogue: "But one more thing, these people you call family. Who were they?"
Red Hood: "The ones that were lost a year ago."
.....................she starts thinking until she realizes to look seeing him gone already with the look of shock still on her face from what he said."
Rogue: "There's no way. That's impossible."

To be continued.....................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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