Prologue: Rise of the Red Hood

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is the Prologue to this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

3rd P.O.V
Location: Watson, Northside

"In Night City where legends are born in the part of the city called Watson in the area of Northside, a group from Arasaka is taking care of some small problem they had to deal with in former employees who turned their backs on them with everything going bad after the death of Saburo Arasaka. Everything turned downhill for the company leading to what is happening right now.....................
Arasaka Employee 1 'Japanese': "Can't believe we're desposing of these traitors nearly at a public area, we're going to get caught if we don't hurry."
Arasaka Employee 2 'Japanese': "The faster we do this we can get out of here without being found, so stop complaining and help me with this!"
.....................they toss the body they carried heading back to get another with a shadow seen getting one of their attentions.....................
Arasaka Employee 1: "Hey! Who's there?"
Arasaka Employee 2 'Japanese': "What's wrong?"
Arasaka Employee 1 'Japanese': "I saw something move over there. I'm going to investigate."
.....................he walks in the direction weapon in hand in case of a threat, he looks around a corner seeing no one and walks further. Unbeknownst to him is that someone is seen above him looking down at him until he lands behind him with a thud heard scaring the employee to look, but sees nothing sighing thinking it was nothing until hands grab his head turning his head snapping his neck killing him making his body shake to drop his weapon alerting the other employee.....................
Arasaka Employee 2 'Japanese': "Hey? What's wrong? Are you okay? What-" Arasaka blade is thrown at him to impale him through the head with blood seeping out the wound until he falls on the ground dead. The remaining of the group waits for the two with the guard walking in seeing the dead employees which causes him to run at the van.....................
Arasaka Guard 1 'Japanese': "Start the van! Start it! Let's get outta here!"
.....................another guard goes to get in reaching in with his arm, but a foot appears kicking the door on his arm snapping it making him scream until his head is smashed through the window of the van. Another goes for his gun, but a thrown knife is thrown at his head killing him with his body flopping on the ground. An Arasaka Specialist runs in to kill the unknown attacker with the Mantis Blades, but her arm gets grabbed to have an elbow strike breaking the arm off making the girl scream leading to being stabbed by her own weapon into the wall following up with breaking the other blade off to stab her in the mouth through the head killing her and let her body hang there, the guard with the broken arm and cut up fave stands up, but gets shot in the head killing him. The last employee walks back scared until the unknown attacker looks at him causing him to run off, but gets shot in the back making him fall to the ground bleeding from his back. He tries to crawl away hearing footsteps walk up to him seeing the attacker standing over him wearing a red helmet unable to see his face.....................
Arasaka Guard 1: "Please don't kill me, I'll give you what you want. Spare me!"
Unknown Attacker: "Did you spare these people whose bodies you tried to dispose? Why would I show you mercy when you don't? That is what will be Arasaka's downfall!"
.....................he shoots him in the head killing him to holster his guns, he walks to the van with a gas canister and pours it on the van grabbing a match to ignite it and burn the car while bringing out a can of Spray Paint.....................

Location: Watson, Little China, Megabuilding H10 8th Floor the apartment in Little China a woman is waking up after falling asleep after a long day of dealing with a problem. The girl is named Valerie, but she is called by the name 'V' who grew up in Heywood of Night City, became close friends with Jackie Welles who's life was lost after a job screwing up leading to his death along with hers, but came back through the Relic they were told to steal that is damaged in her head after getting shot and now has the man named Johnny Silverhand who is called a terrorist taking over her body from the effect of the damaged chip. She rubs her face slowly getting outta bed after a long night.....................
V: (I just want this whole chip thing over with, but I have to figure out a way without it killing me.)
.....................she turns on the TV while grabbing a coffee with the news happening.....................
Reporter: "In other news, last night a group of Arasaka Members have been found dead in Northside Watson in a brutal fasion. *V looks at the TV* One was found hanging on the wall from ripped off Mantis Blades with the rest found dead from gunshots, one with a sword in the head, another with a broken neck, and the van burned. There was no sign of whoever did it until this was found on the wall, the deaths were caused by a person calling himself the Red Hood. Is this a one time attack or what will this Red Hood's intentions are?"
.....................she sits on the couch looking at the TV with an interested look.....................
Johnny: "Now this is something my speed."
V: "Already liking how it is?"
Johnny: "Hell yeah, did you see the body of that Corpo bitch on the wall? I'd do that if I had a chance, this Red Hood has my respect already and is an artist to."
V: "Great."
.....................she hears her holo going off seeing Vik calling which she answers.....................
Vik: "Hey V, you seen the news?"
V: "Which are you talking about? Updates on a restaurant or the whole Red Hood situation?"
Vik: "What do you think? Security footage was seen and this Red Hood easily ripped off the Mantis Blades of that Arasaka woman and used against her. I saw it on the security video."
V: "Wait, with bare hands? Shit! Now I don't k ow if I should be afraid."
Vik: "Whoever it is has the balls to kill Arasaka Suits, the never happened since Silverhand years ago. But still, watch yourself V."
.....................he hangs up with the Red Hood still on her mind and what happened, she gets dressed in clothing to walk out her apartment to find out a way to solve the whole Relic situation.....................

3rd P.O.V
Location: Westbrook, Japantown Japantown a group of Tyger Claws is dragging three girls who are Dolls from Clouds after disobeying an order leading to them being tossed on the ground surrounded by more of them.....................
Tyger Claw Member 1: "We told you what happens when you fight back against the chip's demands."
Doll 1: "We don't want this!"
Tyger Claw Member 2: "You don't get a say in this! Don't worry, when the chip is activated you'll be forgetting this happened." laughs with one getting ready to hack the chip, but gets interrupted grunting until blood comes from his mouth falling forward with a throwing knife in the center of his back which killed him.....................
Tyger Claw Member 3: "What the fuck?!"
Tyger Claw Member 4: "Who's there?"
.....................footsteps can be heard approaching them with one looking leading to be shot in the head alerting them seeing Red Hood walking up to them with the rest shooting at his direction causing the Dolls to take cover. They stop shooting to look, but no sign of a body which they look around leading to four Tyger Claw thugs being shot killing them. One grabs a knife to attack which Red Hood dodges to grab his arm snap it making him scream only to be stabbed in the head using the body as a shield blocking the shots to shoot back killing them with one standing with a Katana with the two looking at each other.....................
Tyger Claw Member 5: "Alright you son of a bitch, you're going to pay!"
.....................he rushes to slash at him only to be blocked with his gauntlet following up with knocking the Katana in the air to grab it and cut off his head killing him. He looks at the Dolls which they get scared until he approaches them making them more scared, but he reaches around their head removing the chips to crush them in his hand while they look at him confused.....................
Red Hood: "You're free now. Go home, pack your things fast, don't rest and leave this area to be safe from the Tyger Claws."
Doll 2: "Why are you helping us?"
Red Hood: "I do what I think is right and you don't deserve this life. Now, go."
Doll 3: "Thank you. Thank you so much."
.....................they run off leaving Red Hood with the dead bodies until he walks off leaving the bodies.................

Timeskip: Next Day

.....................right now V is arriving at Judy's apartment after she texted her wanting to talk, after some time she walks in seeing her in the BD room.....................
Judy: "About time."
V: "Sorry, bad traffic. What's wrong?"
Judy: "You know that Red Hood person that was on the news? Well, he just killed some Tyger Claws last night saving three Dolls."
V: "What?"
Judy: "First Arasaka and now Tyger Claws, what is his intentions and why Tyger Claws?"
V: "Maybe the Dolls were in trouble, you said he rescued them."
Judy: "Maybe he has a heart. Did you see the armor he was wearing? That shit is high-tech, no way he made those."
V: "Seems more advanced than normal armor and even the red bat on it, he must've customized it. Question is what about his Chrome? What do you think he has?"
Judy: "No idea."
V: "So, how's Evelyn?"
Judy: "Still asleep, she went through too much and still resting."
V: "I hope she recovers. Well, I'll see you around Judy."
.....................she walks out heading downstairs until she stops.....................
Johnny: "Red Hood strikes again, but to the Tyger Claws. Interested now?"
V: "Fine yes, this has my interest."
Johnny: "You think he might help with our situation?"
V: "You mean my situation? Maybe from how experienced he is, if there's a way to meet him I'll find a way."

Red Hood P.O.V

.....................on a rooftop the Red Hood is seen looking at Night City outside in the desert land weapon in hand with intentions he aims to focus on more than one mission in Night City. "
Red Hood: "Night City, you will forever be changed for what I am about to do and no one along and nothing will stand in my way."

To be continued.....................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this Prologue. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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