Chapter Fifty Three: Disoriented and Disowned

Start from the beginning

"Pathetic." He scoffed, standing over her with his boot resting heavily on her waist. "Where's that fool you've been toying around with? Where's he to save you now?"

"Toying around?" Nathalie mimicked his scoff, reaching down to pull back her ruffled collar, "Look at those love marks, monsieur."

"I knew you were fucking him." He reared his leg back to kick her lower back. The burst of pain making tears silently fall down her cheeks, "Tainted whore. The only good thing to come out of this is inheriting your father's vaults and property."

Nathalie made a pleased noise, "Don't forget about your British cousins."

"You and Nicholas will be rewarded for your efforts. Quite amusing, really." Benjamin laughed humorlessly, "You were able to polyjuice as that Weasley boy to trick the Sallow girl and since her stupid brother invited you through the wards, you had access to the grounds. Nicholas found a dangerous rose to handle."

"I took no pleasure in it." Nathalie said innocently, "Besides helping my fiancé, of course. He quite enjoyed bashing the blind wizard over the head when he came out of the bathroom."

Now his laugh was filled with genuine amusement. "I wish I could have been there to see it." Benjamin nudged her back with his boot and she flinched inwardly; thinking that he was about to kick her again, "Do you hear that? Your friends were fooled, that Gaunt bastard will never have you again, and you'll be my wife in name only. I would never stick my dick in your ruined cunt."

Resentment bubbled up in her, but she couldn't deny that she also felt some relief. She didn't have to worry about him forcing himself on her in a sexual manner.

"Let's take her to Amérique." Nathalie said with a lofty sigh, "While you may not like it, Gaunt is an Auror, and he can rile up the British Ministry rapidement. Once we're over the lines, M.A.C.U.S.A. will represent her, and there's no chance of your father or hers is giving her up."

Nicholas nodded and he shoved her over onto her back again with his boot. Amelia looked with blurry eyes at a clear blue sky that was too beautiful for what was happening. She saw Ben's menacing scowl and Nathalie's that was full of disdain over her.

How could she do this to Sebastian? He cared about her. He was always trying to think of ways to make her happy and perk her up. Amelia wasn't the only person affected from this astonishing betrayal.

Still, she refused to break.

Ominis would find her. He would-

"I hope you've had enough tea and crumpets. It's time to come home."

Ben's voice was dark and it took mere seconds before he brought her through the floo flame. There was a flash of green and a billowing of smoke before they appeared somewhere other than the quiet highlands.

He dropped her to the floor without much regard for her safety. Her head hit the wooden floor, but thankfully there was a rug present. Still, black dots danced across her vision as nausea bubbled up. Amelia knew that he was cruel, but he seemed enraged.

Was he mad that Ominis took her virginity? Was he mad that there was a rebellious glint in her eyes that wasn't there before? She wasn't as obedient as her mother?

The white ceiling with delicate wood trim was familiar to her. As were the voices seated on the couches she knew were to her left, but her body could hardly move.

"It's not fun if she can't participate." A sly voice regarded her coldly.

Ben laughed, but Amelia couldn't find anything funny about the statement. "She's on one pill. If she pisses me off, I'll add two confusion draughts to her dosage." He uttered an incantation she didn't recognize before she felt her limbs grow heavy again. "Stand up, witch. Dear old daddy's been dying to see you again since you left for the U.K."

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