Chapter 1B

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"Maybe on the flipside you could catch me again"

(Six months earlier)

Mornings were Meo's favorite time of day, simply for the fact that everything was quiet and still, or just beginning to stir from a deep slumber. It was still early enough in the year that the morning was a bit hazy and cool, making a cold rush run over her skin as she stepped outside. It seemed to make the necklace feel even colder and heavier on her collarbone. She stood outside her door for a few moments, fingering the necklace thoughtfully. She hadn't heard from Foxfire in two days, and the necklace was only reminding Meo of her and making her wonder what was wrong. It was unlike her friend to never get back in touch if she missed a phone call or text message. She hoped it was nothing drastic. If it went on for much longer, she decided she'd drop by Foxfire's to see what was up.

She took in a deep breath of the cold air and started on her walk. She normally walked around the block on the weekends, having nothing better to do and enjoying the slight form of exercise. She watched as her ragged, black, Converse High-tops stepped one in front of the other on the pale cement of the sidewalk, making no noise as she made her way along. She looked back up and ran her fingers over the side of the small, waist-high brick wall that seemed to border most of the yards in her neighborhood. She figured it was to serve the purpose of what a wooden fence would, except matching the décor of colonial-style homes better. The rusty color of the brick was bright in the gray morning, and the cool smoothness underneath her fingers reminded her of marble.

Meo zipped up her jacket, feeling inexplicably cold—but she didn't mind. She preferred winter over summer anyways. It was almost as if the pendant hanging around her neck was sending a sort of chill throughout her—for no matter how long she wore it, it never seemed to retain her body heat and remained chilly to the touch. She didn't think too much on it, not believing in too many superstitions anyways. Besides, it was a beautiful gift that she cherished from her friend, so of course she was going to wear it.

As she circled around the block and started to head back home after about half an hour, she came up upon one of her neighbors, sitting on the brick wall as most of the people her age did in the neighborhood. She slowed to a stop to speak to this odd man, for even though he was keenly quiet, he was kind and to the point. He had a strange air about him that was mysterious yet dignified. Meo couldn't quite name what it was about him that was so captivating in the way anyone would want to listen to any word he had to say.

"Hello Draco," she greeted quietly, smiling slightly as his dark eyes met hers.

"Hello, Meo." He returned, taking his headphones out of his ears to be polite.

She sat up on the wall next to him. They had talked plenty of times before—well, her mostly; he just kind of sat and listened to what everyone else had to say. She had only gotten to slightly know him, since he wasn't all that antisocial and did take interest in what was going on with everybody. Meo envied his hair- it was long, reaching to his waist, perfectly straight and raven black.

"Is that a new necklace?" his sudden question brought her out of her thoughts.

She looked to see he was staring intently at the pendant hanging around her neck. She almost blushed at being so closely inspected, but then realized that with the odd symbol it had, anyone would stare and question it. But his eyes seemed almost knowing, like he recognized it. It was hard to tell, for he hid his emotions quite well.

She reached up and touched it lightly. "Yes, my friend gave it to me."

He hesitated, and then nodded slowly. His mouth was set in a blank, tight line, as if he just received disappointing news. "Do you mind me asking who? I mean, that's a peculiar symbol and all."

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