chapt. 25

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Soon later on, Jon, the captured wildings, and Stannis' army were ready to head out.

Gilly helps re-patch Alesias wound.
"It's getting better, I can tell."
Gilly assures.

Alesia grunts slightly.
"I suppose."

Gilly finishes and Alesia puts her shirt down.
"This doesn't feel right."

"What?" Gilly asked. "Your shirt?"

"No." Alesia replied then stood still for a moment.


Alesia began to gather her things and put on her clothes.

"Alesia what are you doing?"
Gilly questioned her.

"I'm going to fight." Alesia turned her face to Gilly. "Fight for our people."

"But I thought Jon-" Gilly says before Alesia interrupted her.
"Jon will just have to deal with it. I'm tired of just sitting around when I know I have the full potential to protect the innocent."

Gilly smiled slightly sighing.
"I support you on this but you aren't fully healed. All it takes is one mistake and that wound can get infected."

"I know trust me, I do."
Alesia walks to her sister holding her hands.
"I want to at least try. For our future, for baby Sam's future."

Gilly then nodded, convinced but knowing she can't make her sister stay.
"I love you Gilly."
Alesia said as she pulled her into a hug.
"I love you too."

They let go of the hug. Alesia kissed baby Sam on the forehead as he reaches out for her.

Alesia walked out the door. Gilly followed her out with the babe in her arms, stopping by the door.

Gilly watched as her sister went down the stairs.
Jon had seen Alesia. He walked up towards the girl.

Alesia side eyed him, then pursed her lips.
"Listen Snow, you cannot and will not stop me from-"

"Who said I was gonna stop ya?"
He discontinued her saying tilting his head a bit.

"I mean I don't know."
Alesia shrugged her shoulders sarcastically.
"The given fact that you do, every single chance you get."

"Well now I know that I can't stop you now because you won't give up." He replied laughing a bit.

She hit his shoulder playfully.
"I'm glad you learned."

Tormund walked over to the two.
"Alright crow, we're ready."

"Well hello to you too Tormund." Alesia smiled at him ironically.

He looked at her up and down scoffing, turning to Jon.
"She comin, crow?"

"The lady makes her own choices." Jon replied while shrugging.

"Come on Tormund," she put her hand out for him to shake. "If you can make amends with one traitor, you can do it with another."

Tormund rolled his eyes shaking the girls hand.
"You're lucky I like you."

"Awww." Alesia said sarcastically then chuckled.

Tormund walked away being icked about how he put his pride aside for less than two seconds.

"Well this is going to be fun." Said Alesia.

"Mhm, let's go." Jon said. He turned around and alerted everyone about the leave.

Alesia exhales, preparing for the trip, then looks up at the balcony. Ser Alliser was dead staring Jon. He was staring at him like no one else was present. She continues to look at Alliser, then he notices and looks at her, but she was too quick to look away before they made eye contact.

Soon, the volunteers and wildlings left the nights-watch.

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