Chapter 5 - Denied by Cupid Himself

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Harry blinked, his eyes wide and wild. So many girls!

"Brilliant, Valentine's Day is crazy here!" Harry choked out, his head swiveling to look at every girl surrounding him.

Harry scratched the back of his neck, an awkward smile plastered on his face. He began taking steps backwards, trying to escape heart shaped boxes and cards, perfume scented potions, and hugs.

"Harry, Harry! Be mine, please!" A girl from Ravenclaw shouted.

"No, be with me! I saw the way you looked at me yesterday!" A girl from Slytherin argued, fighting her way to the front of the crowd.

Harry felt so overwhelmed he just might hurl over all of them. Instead, with a queasy stomach, he turned tail and ran for the boys restroom.

"Haah, fuck," Harry breathed, leaning against the door.

Harry could just barely hear footsteps through the ringing of his ears. His heart pounded in his chest. Though he couldn't quite make out what it was.



The feeling of being overwhelmed?


Harry gagged, clutching his stomach, he ran to the sink. He placed his hands on the sink, staring at his pale, blurry reflection. Again, he could barely make out the sound of footsteps over blood pounding in his ears.

"-rry!" A shallow, distant voice called.

Harry's head began spinning, and he hurled inside the sink. He choked and gagged, his airway opening and closing multiple times. He looked back into the mirror, catching the blurry figure of a blonde boy wearing Slytherin robes before he hurled again.

Harry felt a soft hand on his back, gliding up and down, in small circles, eventually crawling up to his hair.

Harry steadied himself, casting a cleaning spell on the sink and his mouth. When he glanced back, he felt a smile crawl onto his face.

"Didn't know you were good at comforting others, Malfoy," Harry said.

He watched as Draco stopped petting Harry's hair, ripping his hand away to scoff with a reddened face, "I'm not. I thought you were Blaise."

Harry raised an eyebrow, turning to face Draco. He leaned back on the sink, crossing his arms.

"One, Blaise has a buzz-cut. Two, respectfully, Blaise is black. And three, I heard you say my name. So tell me," Harry says, leaning closer to the boy. He finished, "did you actually think I was Blaise?"

Harry leaned back as Draco began sputtering. He popped a breath mint into his mouth, watching as Draco fumbled his hands around as an excuse.

"Well- I, er," Draco sheepishly shouted.

Harry jumped forward, covering Draco's mouth.

"Shh! They can't know I'm here!" Harry whispered.

When Draco raised a brow, Harry explained, "I was jumped by like, half the bloody population of girls. So many perfumes and chocolates and- just eugh. The only things I'm accepting from any girls are chocolates from Hermione, Luna, or Ginny. Maybe Pansy. But they have no awareness of personal space."

Draco scowled at Harry, ripping his hand off his mouth. Harry made a sound of surprise as Draco shoved him.

"Don't speak so lowly of girls, Potter! They came today and confessed their love to you and you brushed them off?" Draco hissed, clenching his fists.

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