[ Pants and Jeans ]

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"And where did the other party get this tip from?" Apple wondered, smiling.

I shrugged, kissing her lightly. "It was anonymous," I answered. I felt her shiver a little when I leaned in a closer. "Or at least, that's what I heard."

She giggled, lifting her head up to meet my eyes. "I suppose Mr. Anonymous should be rewarded?" Her tone was mocking and a little seductive.

Damn it, heart, stop beating so fucking fast.

As soon as we were at the right floor, I picked her up, causing her to squeak a little. "God," I muttered, throwing the door open and threw her on the couch before I jumped on top of her and kissed her roughly. Apple eagerly kissed me back, her arms wrapped around my neck. "I love you so fucking much, Amie."

It felt so nice saying to words aloud to her.

Without any warning, Apple stopped responding. Slowly, I lifted myself up, scared that I might have hurt her in some way. My eyes met hers, and for the first time in the longest time, Apple had a look in her eyes that made my common sense along with every nerve in my body to go ape-shit.

"Amie?" she echoed, her cheeks reddening. Her breathing was uneven, and she looked so frigging innocent that it turned me on.

A smirk played on my lips. "You've got a problem with that?" I questioned. "It's your name, you know."

She shook her head. "Well, it's just, you know, new to me. It's always been Apple... with the usual Ames to provoke me," she explained in a whisper, her eyes dragging away from mine, avoiding contact. "You haven't said that since"—her face grew crimson—"you know."

"Since what?" I asked, biting back a smirk. Okay, so I knew what she was talking about. The first time we had sex. But I liked how nervous she got when we spoke about this certain topic.

She groaned, covering her eyes with her hands. Did she think that I would disappear if she hid her eyes? Damn it, she was so adorable. I couldn't even understand how the hell I was able to restrain myself from all those years.

"You know what I'm talking about!"

"No, I don't." The lie left my lips smoothly. "Perhaps you should enlighten me..."

"Logan!" Apple cried, embarrassed.

Laughing, I threw my head back. "I'm kidding!" She was so easy to fluster. I love it. A moment later, I began to nibble her ears and whispered, "But I'm up for it if you are."

I heard her gasp. I wasn't sure if it was because of my skills or because of my words. Hopefully it was a little bit of both.

"S-shut up, don't joke like that," she whined, hitting my arm. "It's making me blush."

"It turns me on when you blush like that," I teased. Her face grew even redder and I couldn't help but laugh harder. I've never felt so...happy. Ever.

"Logan, you're a jerk. Stop saying things like that," she muttered, pouting. "I want you to know that. And I mean it. Like, really mean it. You should really work on your jerk-titude."

"You know you love it," I murmured to her ears. I felt her shiver.

"I'll get bored of it one day."

I snorted. "You'll never get bored of me, Apple."

She grinned, pinching my cheeks. "Wanna bet?"

Smiling, I whispered to her ear, "I'll never get bored of you." And I meant it. Maybe people got bored of each other after marriage and all that, but I knew that whatever was going to come our way, I'd never want to lose her.

"Because I'm so awesome?" she guessed, smiling coyly.

"That's it," I agreed, my voice dripping with sarcasm. She only giggled.

Minutes passed and we just stayed there. She was lying down on the couch. We didn't say anything, but it felt so nice just being there. I could hear her heart beating softly, feel her even breathing.

If this was how life was going to be forever, I wouldn't mind it.

"We should get a dog," Apple declared a moment later.

I frowned. Why would I want to go through another Mojo? "A dog?" I deadpanned.

She nodded, smiling brightly, her chocolate eyes sparkling under the dim light. "We can name him Pants."

"Pants?" I quirked an eyebrow. That was an odd name. Hell, I didn't care, as long as she was happy, I was happy. We could name the cat Jeans, too, if she wanted.

"Because puppies pant."

See what I mean? No way in hell I'd get bored of Apple. She was just full of weirdness. The good kind of weirdness.

"Whatever you say, baby."

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