The Swaying Seaweeds in the Water

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"Thank you, Oppa. Please take care." I bowed deeply. "Thank you for taking care of me all these years."

He smiled, "Ofcourse. Take care of yourself, too." Then he drove away.

"Are you saying goodbyes now?" These was his first words on the car ride home. "For real? This soon?"

"I'm afraid, so. I've been saying goodbyes since morning, I guess." I was heave-hoing my luggage to the building. Bang Chan following me on his wobbly steps.

We went on silent mode again in the elevator. He looked fumed with one hand holding some paper bags, the other hand squeezing his jacket, and the white pouch dangled on his neck. I couldn't do anything about his anger. I was too busy holding myself to not hugging him.

Upon entering the dorm, I saw Jisung in the living room with blue light on his face. "Chan hyung, you're home," he said without looking up.

"So, Hannie," Bang Chan give him the paper bag with his name on. "It's from her."

"Oh, you're here too, Aunty! What a present. Thank you!"

"You're welcome. Go to your room. The sun is almost rise. Get some sleep." Jisung was just a lovely rodent as usual. His squirrel cheeks were filled to the fullest. What an adorable view.

He stood, clutching all his belonging, the paper bag, and his snack pack. "You look old today, Aunty! Have some rest! No more nose bleed or fainting allowed!" His bloated cheeks could kill me this instant. "Okay?!"


"And what's with that frown, Hyung? Are you sick? Did this aunty made you cry?" Jisung's ready-to-fight stand was melting my heart.

"Jisung-ah," Chris sighed with a half smile.

"Stop with that aunty vibe, do you hear me? I don't like it! Don't order me around, okay? Good night!" He just walked out of the room after give us the cutest flying kiss.

"I'll miss him like a lot." My cheeks warmed.

"Yeah, yeah. That's your problem. Because you choose to leave us."

I love Bang Chan's angry face. His rised eyebrows and his matter of fact sarcasm.

"Bang Christopher Chan-ssi, I love you!" I made the biggest heart I can with my arms then turned over. "Changbin-ssi? Where are you? Is that you huffing and puffing? I got something for you."

I literally run away from one bulky man to another bulky man. Then I realized that I was in a bulky men dent. Count out, Hyunjin, ofcourse. But he's quite tall, so it's even.

The morning came without hindrance. Nine o'clock sharp was displayed on every gadgets in this apartment. I was at Bang Chan's room, choosing his formal attire for the company's meeting. While he was being prepped by the makeup artist team, I layed down his black suit on the bed then quickly got out.

Honestly, I was nervous. So was Bang Chan. Thus I thought it would be better to find something else to do, so both of us wouldn't pump each other nerves. Then I found the mesmerising Felix by the breakfast table.

"Hi, Sunshine," I said quietly beside him.

"Oh, you shocked me, Silly Baby." Apparently he didn't see me. But his appearance made my morning.

"What are you doing? Getting breakfast?"

"Yeah. You?" His voice, his scent, and his hand on my back calmed my heart.

"Me, too. Do you see any chocolate milk?"
My eyes scanned all things on the table.

"Here you go, Silly. It's in front of you." His slender hand gave me the drinks I was looking for. His black shirt stretched when he lifted his hand.

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