The Shiver Amidst the Warm Water

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The next day, late at the deep of the night, Ash came and declared that my real self will be restored. Lishany Ayu would be back on track. Ofcourse, we needed to short out the identity thievery first. Fortunately, Dipta was working on it without meeting any hindrance.

A couple of weeks after bed ridden in a high-end hospital, I was ready for my final work. Thanks for the kids' overflowing cares, I was happy and recovered in a short time. I also got my healing time with Felix, who apparently set aside a few hours for me everyday for two whole weeks.

The final work actually just Ash gave me a chance to say goodbyes to my subordinates. It was the last time I could saw them before I started my treatment. However I still kept on praying so that it wouldn't be the only moment I could meet them.

Meanwhile, the company's representatives had been called and Stray Kids' schedules had been replanned for us to have a meeting. All of those commotions were just for me so I could resign from my job, with Stray Kids Team and as Felix's private assistant, peacefully. I knew I'll be doped hard for that.

As I was laying on my own bed on the first night I came home, I kept thinking of the life I had these past years. What I've done were just playing with the sea of fate. I was fiddling with my own life line, so bad that I fell so many times. I admitted that I fall in love too deep with those waves.

The first wave was with the demons, both of my best friends that become my sitters till now. Dipta and Ash were the ones who caught me on my first falls. The cliff was not that high yet, but they still kept me safe. Even when the tide I loved the most threw me toward the jagged reef, their warm embraces were there to shield me from any pain.

It was my fault to always get too close to the cliff's edge. My endearment to those surges of water doubled as the days passed. Even after Dipta and Ash tried to put me away from the danger, I would always back to the same place to fall again and again.

The sapphire blue I plunged recently didn't get any better. It sent me to the sky a couple of times already. However, it made me addicted in certain way that I willingly drowned myself repeatedly.

"I promise I will never jumped out ever again," I mumbled against my comforter, repeating what I said a couple years ago. A vow that I broke, voluntarily, not long after.

The sea I jumped into this time was special. It's just too precious to come out of it. Its whirlpools were so charming and delicate. The serenity it's offering was like no other. I would choose it with blind eyes even in another life.

"I hope I'll just die in their embraces." I got shivers. I couldn't deny those were warm memories I had so far. But thinking about this time could've become my end, definitely dropped the temperature around. "What a bitter medicine before sleep."

The morning came pretty much faster than I liked. Nevertheless, there I was, in front of a big building already geared up for my last work. It was a fan-meet with stage performances and seated interview. The kids had less scenes to shoot and less running around. That meant easier job for the team.

So from the early morning I bought and delivered each members' breakfast as usual, commuted with them to the venue, prepared their lunches and snacks, then dolled them up with the team. The other team were getting the stage ready, with some makeup artists standing by for any touch up. It would be around afternoon when each members had their own schedules to follow.

Sat in the moving car, I was following Minho to his last schedule of the day. After grabbing a late dinner, I supposed to wait for him to have his last practice for his solo performance. Then, we could go home along with Bang Chan who still work at his studio.

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