estrellas~chapter 17

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"Hello? Lauren, are you there?" A familiar voice said.

I knew it was him but still, we haven't talked since... since the Funeral. I had forgotten that I deleted his contact information. It hurt too much to see his name on my phone.

"Hey, uh Jere, what's going on?"

Conrad practically teleported when he heard Jere's name. He sat on my bed next to me.

"Are you with Conrad?" Jere said over the phone.

I looked at Conrad and he shook his head and put a finger on his lips to tell me to keep quiet.

"Uhh, no." The only issue with me is that I'm a bullshit liar, especially with Jeremiah.

"Where are you then? Belly said you weren't home," Jere pressed, he sounded annoyed that I lied.

"Uh, I went shopping?"

"You hate shopping," Belly answered.

"Belly? Why are you with Jeremiah."

"We're leaving Brown."

"Why are you at Brown?"

"Jere needed my help looking for Conrad, he went a-wall. So we thought we would go find him."

"Oh..." I say and trail off.

"His roommate said he went to the beach, so we're going to Cousins. I'll keep you updated Laur." Belly said.

Then Jere abruptly hung up the phone.


It was Winter Break and I got to Boston in the late afternoon of the 31st. Jere and I both complained about how we wanted to see each other again before break ended, so what's a better way than on New Year's? I was going to Boston for a few days. That way I got to hang out with Jere before school started again.


Conrad and I just sat in silence when Jere abruptly hung up the phone.

"So... what are we going to tell them when they find us both here?" I ask uncomfortably. I hated lying, especially to Jere and Belly. Also, it wasn't even worth lying about, they were heading over here this minute.

"I don't know, we can figure it out then," He went over to hug me, "Thank you for coming with me, I couldn't do this alone," He said while still holding onto me.

"Of course Con, I'll always be here."


"This is my first New Year's Party," I say to him while we drive to his friend's house.


"Yeah, I always just stay up with my Mom. You're also my first New Year's Kiss too."

"I'm honored," He says while reaching for my hand.

When we arrive I see a bunch of girls wearing very short and tight dresses. I'm wearing a chunky sweater and jeans.

"Do I look okay?" I ask him.

"You look amazing Laur," he says while opening my door.

We walk inside hand in hand and a girl approaches us.

"Hey, Jeremiah, who's this, a friend?" She asks.

"No, no, my girlfriend," He puts his arm around me. I see this girl's face drop and she walks away clearly annoyed.

estrellas~jeremiah x oc (TSITP FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now