estrellas~chapter 5

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The next day I am out shopping with the Moms and Belly. We are attempting to find anything to wear to the Deb Ball. But first, we have to find outfits for the tea party. Fun fact about me: I hate shopping.

While we are in some store I find a place to sit and I check my phone.

Zero New Messages.

I don't know why but I was hoping that I would have a text from Jeremiah or even Conrad. This summer Conrad has been so distant, we used to be so close. Well, that was until Belly started to completely drool over him. She told me how she was jealous of our friendship so I started to slowly back off. But, I didn't realize it would have this great effect.

Susanah eventually finds me and has about 1000 completely different dresses in her hands.

"There you are! You need to try these on" She exclaims.

I reluctantly get up and head towards the dressing room, Belly is already trying some on.

After what felt like forever, we finally headed out of the store. We leave with a few different dresses and really weird hats called fascinators for the tea party. I ended up with a lilac dress with puffy sleeves for the Tea Party. To match it, I settled on a white fascinator.

We head over to another Dress store, but this time for the dress for the Deb Ball. I chose a simple satin white dress with white cap sleeves. I just keep telling myself that it makes Susannah happy.

When I stepped out wearing the dress, both she and my Mom gasped.

"My darling you look gorgeous," Susanah said to me. It made my heart ache because I would do anything for her.

"You look great Lauren," My mother said.

"Thank you." I smile, I'm very satisfied I only had to try on one. Now, we have to wait for Belly to finish up and decide.


It's time for the first Deb event and Belly and I step out of the car.

"I just want you to know that if you decide you hate it or if the girls are mean or even if the food is bad, you can text me." My Mother tells us in a comforting way.

"Thanks, Mom," I answered.

"Use our code phrase, and I'll be right here, okay? Do you guys remember it from when you were little?"

"Lemon Jelly Belly," we say in perfect unison.

"Okay girls, have fun!"

Belly and I start to walk, but we see my favorite person on the planet.

"Jeremiah!" I called out, "Jeremiah! Hello, Earth to Jerebear!" He finally turns around surprised.

"Oh my god, I didn't even recognize you, Lauren." He grabs my hand and twirls me.

"Be honest, do I look silly?" I ask. He furrows his brow, "Let me get a full 360 and I'll let you know." I hit his arm and laughed.

"Let me walk you guys over," We look for Belly but she has completely left. I get a ding from my phone and see she messaged me.

One New Message

Have fun ;) -Belly

I laugh and tell Jere, "She's already there."

"Alright, just you and me m'lady." He reaches his arm out and I gladly accept his gesture.

While we walked, Jere told me about all of the different foods they have to offer, "They have strawberry, raspberry type cookies. Oh, they're to die for." He does a chef kiss.

"They're that good?" I say while laughing at his antics.

"So good," he says again.

We arrive and we are greeted by some lady with a serious furrowed brow.

"Jeremiah," she says.

"Paige," he answers.

"Where's your shirt?"

"It's always a pleasure."

This feels like some standoff between two cowboys. I'm trying to hold in my laughter, but Jeremiah pinches me. I look at him with death in my eyes.

"This is Laur. I mean, uh, Lauren Conklin, the young woman my mom told you about, my future wife." he winked at me and I held my blush in and hit him on the arm. This is when I realize that practically the entire room is staring at me.

"She's late," Paige says. I feel a flush of embarrassment come across my face. "You're at table two."

She struts away and I look at Jeremiah. Except he has already gone to some table and stole a tiny sandwich.

"Those are for the girls! Jeremiah, those are for the girls!" Paige scolds him.

He runs back to me and says, "Knock 'em dead." Then give me another wink.

I smile, take a deep breath, and walk over to table two.

I find a seat next to Belly and whisper, "Thanks for waiting for me dipshit."

"Sorry, I couldn't handle all the love," she claims and makes a weird hand movement.

"Wait, you and Jeremiah are dating?" Some girl at the table asks.

"Oh, my God, back off, Gigi," The girl sitting next to Belly says, I think I saw her with Steven at the Bonfire.

I'm about to answer but some girl answers for me.

"They're, like, basically related, okay? You have nothing to worry about," I wanted to punch this girl. For some reason, I liked people thinking we were a thing.

Eventually, I figure out the girl who keeps interrupting Belly and I is Conrad's girlfriend. I think. Well, her name is Nicole and she seems kind of like a bitch.

A girl who is sitting next to Belly chimes in, "Gigi has had this thing for Jeremiah... she's only noticed him since he got abs."

Gigi glares at Shayla.

"Relax, I'm not into Jeremiah Fisher." Shayla defends herself.

"Yeah, and you're noticing his abs?" Gigi says.

"She's too busy eye-fucking the waiter." Another girl at the table says.

"Dude, that's their brother," Nicole says.

Belly and I feel as though we are about to vomit.

"Oh, that's gross." belly says.

"Gross for you! Disgusting for me, he's my twin!" I say back.

Later on, Paige starts talking and Belly escapes from the room. I look at her confused when she returns.

She whispers, "Remember Cam Cameron?"

"From the other night?" I answer.

"Yeah! He asked me on a date to the drive-in!"

I quietly squeal happiness for Belly. It's her first official date. I couldn't be more proud than I am right now. 

estrellas~jeremiah x oc (TSITP FANFIC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon