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I didn't really have a wonderful childhood like the other kids my ages...

Since my mom is well Taylor Swift, yeah, let that sink in. And I try so hard not to be put in the spotlight like her, don't get me wrong, I love my mother. I do. I just don't want to be in the spotlight like her.

People always ask me soon as they figure out who's daughter I am. "Who's your dad?? When were you born??" All that basic stuff and the truth is, I was born Nov Fifteen two thousand and six. Yeah, mom had me at age seventeen, but she never talks about my dad at all, which I'm okay with it. But I'm still curious once and a while but don't want to look it up and all that.





But anyway, back to the main point, I've always tried to stay out of the spotlight for years now and I'm eighteen so I've done a really good job of staying hidden I even have a fake last name for my social media's etic I even have my own penthouse apartment that I lived in for a year now.

Last September, my mom told me she met someone and are dating and wanted to let me know before the news went publicly.... Yet I didn't know it was Travis Kelce, a popular football player... And my mom is already head over heels for him. I can tell by the way she smiles and acts around him he's her whole world at the moment...

Yet I try to stay out of all the football games for that good reasons, especially because of mom's fans... If I'm seen with her in the crowds, it's game over for my personal life since they're faster than the FBI at times and will eventually know who I am...

Yet sadly, that happened.... I don't blame my mom, but I do blame her boyfriend.... Mom wanted me to go with her for one of his football games, and I decided to finally give in and go.

I already had my phone off at the game, but later that night, when I got dropped off at home and turned on my phone, I was already the number 1 hashtag all over X... and I was known as

#TheMysteryGirlThatLooksLikeTaylorSwift all over.

And photos of me we're everywhere, and my X account was blowing up like crazy with messages and sadly threats..

I sat on my couch in my living room, scrolling through all the comments

Omg do we all agree that this mystery girl might be Swifts daughter!? I mean, they look a like!!! But who would her dad be??? 👀👀

Ugh, really? Well, I saw this coming... My account is already at 1M followers somehow in over a span of four hours after the game I figured out how to not let strangers directly message me on X though my mom told me that over the phone earlier and tried apologizing multiple times..

I told her I was okay, but I don't know If I will be once the knews actually brecks out.... My friends that I trust with my soul already have my back on all this saying how it isn't right which I agree. My friend Coby is with me now trying to calm me down and get my mind off it.

I've known him since I was sixteen and we've been best friends ever since he doesn't leave my side...




I woke up the next day asleep in my bed when I remembered I past out on the couch. Colby must've carried me to my bedroom.... I turned around and he was a sleep next to me. I got up and grabbed my phone off the charger and opened X... That was definitely a mistake

#TaylorSwiftHasADaughter was the number one trending.... Okay that's it..

I sat up from the bed and called mom got up and left my room to the kitchen

"Yes Alison?" She asked she sounded like she was in a rush... "Everyone knows now! Because of him! Why did you want me at the game so bad that night hu!" She sighed "Look I'm sorry everyone figured it out but it's a little to late to take it all back. But I don't care since I'm glad I have you." Mom said I sighed "Well what am I going do now?? I can't leave my apartment without the paparazzi since they are outside now..." I said, looking out the kitchen window at the ground...

She hummed as I sat down on one of my chairs at the kitchen island in the middle of my kitchen. That's when Coby walked in shirtless in only his pants from last night of course... "Morning Miss. Famous." He mumbled as he went to grab a coffee cup to make some coffee for us.

I rolled my eyes. I said my goodbye to mom till I hung up and laid my head on the table... My life is over... I can smell the freshly cup of coffee being made and looked back at my phone on X till Coby took my phone and turned it off. I looked up at him annoyed "Hey give me it back!" I said getting up trying to grab my phone from him but I only reached his chest as he lifted my phone up with a playful grin.

"Hmm let me think. No, no more looking at all the tweets and messages from others dragging you, that's not good for you Allie and you know it." He said stubborn I huffed as I crossed my arms as he put my phone in his pants pocket.

"Well when can I have it back??" I asked he smirked as he gave me a freshly cup of coffee that was done, as he started making one for himself. He looked over at me as I took a sip from my coffee

"I'll give it back to you if you give me a kiss?" He said with a teasing grin I almost chocked on my coffee he can't be serious now.... he laughed "You should've seen the look on your face! I'm just joking, I'll give it to you if you beat me at Mario cart tho?" He said all serious...

I'll never get my phone back he's kicked my ass at that game since we're teens... "Fine, I'll go grab my Switch and turn on the tv..." I said defeated...

Hopefully, all this calms down in a week or so....





A/N: Hope all enjoyed it so far!! :) I have some good ideas for this book!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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