estrellas~chapter 15

Start from the beginning


I decided to surprise Jeremiah at his Homecoming Football game. I made a plan with Sussanah so that I would come mid-afternoon, that way we could plan my makeup and hair for the next day.

I drove to Boston and saw a cute little house where my Boyfriend lived. Once I rang the doorbell, a happy Sussnah answered.

"Lauren you're here!" She yelled joyously.

"Hey, Sussanah!" I wanted to jump for joy but instead, I gave her a big hug, "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, but Jeremiah is going to freak out when he sees you tonight."

"What time did you tell him I was coming?"

"I said around Noon tomorrow, he has no idea." We both smile and I just can't wait to see him. I wanted to drive to his school, knowing he was only a few miles away made me want him even more.

When Sussanah and I got to the football game, the sun was already setting. We made it up the bleachers, I made sure to bring extra blankets so Sussanah could keep warm.

Once they finally announced the football team, I stood up with the crowd cheering. The team ran in and I immediately saw him, my Jeremiah. He had his helmet on, but still. I knew everything about him, the way he walked, the way he ran, even the way he held his head up when he was excited.

This first half of the game was going well, Jeremiah's school was winning.

During Halftime they announced the Homecoming Court Nominations. Unsurprisingly, Jere was nominated for King. I cheered for him, but not too loud. I had a feeling he would be able to spot me and I didn't want to ruin the surprise.

Once the game ended all of the students rushed onto the field due to their victory. I was still sitting with Susanah.

"Go find him," She said while squeezing my hand.

"You sure? I don't want to leave you all alone..."

"No," she laughed, "Go find Jerebear."

I laughed and ran off the bleachers and into the field with everyone else. I was looking around and then I saw his curly hair from behind. He was with some of his friends, I recognized some of them from photos but they sure recognized me.

They all went silent.

I heard Jeremiah say, "What are you guys doing? Why are you all so quiet..." He said while turning around.

There I was beaming a smile in his direction.

I gave him a little wave, "Hi!"

His face dropped, "Oh my god!"

We both ran at one another and he picked me up and spun me, "You're here! You're early!"

"Hi!" I screamed at him.

Once he put me down I gave him the biggest kiss in the world. I heard some girls gasp but I don't care.

I whispered in his ear, "I missed you."

He smiles and kisses me again.


We are about halfway through the journey and I ask if he would like to take a break. I look and see that it's 4 am.

"No, it's okay, you sleep, Laur." He smiles, "I like driving, it helps my mind focus on something else."

"Okay, goodnight Connie." I relax my head on the window and try to sleep.

Later, I open my eyes to hear Conrad's stomach growl.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, but we should get to the house."

"There won't be any food there, let's stop somewhere Con."

"Oh, you're right. Um, want muffins?"

"Do I want muffins? No need to ask."

Once we step out of the car I get the fresh smell of the Cousins Breeze, I miss everything about this place.

Conrad and I get two muffins, one blueberry and one chocolate.

"Try not to spill," he said as we ate in the car.

"Okay Dad," I say and roll my eyes. As I do so Conrad drops his piece of muffin.

"Oh hey Con, try not to spill."

"Shut up Laur," He hits me on the arm and smiles. I missed his smile.

Ever since Jeremiah and I broke up after the funeral, Conrad and I have become close. We've been keeping one another sane. Both of us grieving our past relationships since he and Belly broke up at prom. Belly knows that he and I talk every day but I'm thankful she isn't angry about it. Rather she is okay with it. She's happy that he has someone to talk to. Taylor, however, thinks it's weird.

"It's weird, she goes from one brother to the other," I heard Taylor say once, "She and Jere broke up so she's after Conrad now."

"It's not like that," Belly defended, "I'm happy they have each other to talk to, it's completely platonic."

We pull into the driveway and there it is, our beach house, Sussanah's beach house.

Once we get inside I go out to his car and grab our bags. I see him sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

"Oh Connie..." I say and walk over to rub his back. He starts to cry.

"It's okay, at least here she's everywhere, she never left this place."

He nods his head and sobs, "But..."

"But what? We will always have this place, forever."

"Not for long," He says and laughs, "It's for sale."

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