Chapter 4:Fall Of An Old Friend (Part 2)

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"There isn't anything to fix!" Val shouted, turning to face Rich now that they had a free moment, "I've seen those kind of purple eyes before! I don't know how they did it but it's been taken over by the Oez Crystal! And it's only going to get worse! We have to destroy it now!"

"If it's being controlled by something else, then we save it!" Rich shot back, pointing his finger in Val's face, "We have to have hope that we can save everyone and everything! That's what Power Rangers DO!"

"That's ridiculous!" the Pink Ranger growled, knocking the Black Ranger's hand away with her free one, "Sometimes you can't just 'hope' your way out of a situation! And how would you even 'save' that thing in this case?!"

"It may have been mostly controlled by a flute-based system," Rich countered, "but the Dragonzord is still a Zord. It's gotta have a cockpit we can get to and either shut it down or at least keep it from wrecking everything and maybe force it back into the sea!"

"You're crazy!" Buff interjected, "I hate to say it, but Pinkie's right! Does THAT look like something you can control at all?!"

Ignoring Val's irritated growl, the Yellow Ranger pointed up at the Dragonzord as it struggled to extract its tail. Purple bolts of energy that started at the top of its head began to crackle down its body, the red chest lights changing color to purple as well. Two rows of jagged, purple and red-veined spikes began to grow out of the back of its head, flanking the bladed fin that was already there. The Zord opened its mouth to let out a frustrated sounding, hissing roar and exposed a new,secondary row of crystalline, jagged purple teeth.

"I concur with Rich,"Amber said suddenly, "It is illogical to annihilate it if it is not in control of its own actions and has returned from being manipulated before."

Jason had been silent as he watched the argument, his body language unreadable. Suddenly, he stepped forward and started to ask, "Could you two answer me thi--?"

A loud screech of twisting metal interrupted him as the Dragonzord finally pulled its tail free,stumbling forward several steps in the process. The Rangers prepared for it to renew its hostility but it suddenly turned away from them,as if it had realized the tiny creatures before it were no threat and could be safely ignored. It began to march further inland, towards the city itself.

"It's headed for the city!" Rich exclaimed, "We got no time to wait!"

He then leaped off in pursuit of the Zord, Amber and Buff yelling at him to stop as Jason still watched thoughtfully.

"On that, we CAN agree,"Val growled before jumping off the rooftop in the opposite direction towards an open parking lot that would give her space to move.

Buff and Amber turned towards the space she had been a moment before but they were unable to call out to her before Jason, who had turned to look in Val's direction as well, spoke up. "Amber, go after Rich and back him up if he needs it. Buff, that goes for you with Val."

The Blue and Yellow Rangers shared a look of confusion. "I believe I've established a rapport with Valestera more than Buff has," the former argued, "And he and Rich have been interacting with each other for a much greater period of time than I have with either of them. Would it not be more logical to reverse our roles?"

"What she said," the latter added.

"No time to explain right now," Jason replied as he draw his Astro Blaster once more, "You're going to have to trust me. So get going!"

The sharp, firm tone in his voice got to both of them, Amber nodding her head as she said,"A-Affirmative."

"Sure, okay," Buff growled, "Fine."

Power Rangers: Amalgamsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن