Chapter 3: Fall Of An Old Friend (Part 1)

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The shadow of Commander Darc's spaceship stretched out over the giant mass of the Oez Crystal on the moon's surface beneath it. The vessel's current geosynchronous orbit gave Darc many opportunities to gaze out upon the crystal through various view ports. He found doing so useful as a centering method when he needed to focus on his scheming, while waiting for one of his underlings to complete a task, or for a group of those minions to gather for a meeting.

It was the third reason that caused his current need to observe, his hands behind his back as he lightly rocked on the balls of his feet. The door to the meeting room hissed as it slid open and he looked over his shoulder to see his four generals make their way inside the large circular room that was bare save for the long table in the center. Each general took a seat, with Arenay and Saffear sitting on the left side of the table and Brainborg and Dienay sitting on the right side. Commander Darc moved to the larger chair that was at the head of the table and sat down at it, resting his elbows on the surface and steepling his hands in front of the mouth area of his helmet as he asked, "So what plans have you concocted to deal with our new Ranger friends?"

"Despite the setback viz ze Machine Empire, I have managed to upgrade ze Darcroids so zat zey vill be capable of combat against ze Rangers," Brainborg said,waving his hand towards the wall mounted monitor that was on the far side of the room.

The monitor showed an image of a large hanger bay full of black robots with dark gray armor over their shoulders, forearms, thighs, and knees. Their heads were faceless, with a black wedge-shaped plate in the place where the eyes, nose, and mouth would have been on a person. In the center of the gray chest plates each of them had, there was a silver mark that resembled the cobra design on Commander Darc's chest. Each of them held a black, short muzzled, two-handed blaster rifle with a bayonet blade attached to the front. As one, they turned towards the camera and raised their right arms in a clenched fist salute.

"Excellent work," Darc replied with a small nod before looking at Saffear, "And I believe you said you might have something that could further several of our plans at once?"

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"Excellent work," Darc replied with a small nod before looking at Saffear, "And I believe you said you might have something that could further several of our plans at once?"

"I do," Saffear said as she looked over at Arenay, "If SOMEONE wouldn't mind lending me just a small bit of wax..."

With a growl, Arenay placed a small petri dish on the table, a minuscule smear of green on it,and slid the dish towards Saffear. "This is all I can spare," he said.

"It will be enough,"Saffear replied with a smirk, "And don't be so grumpy. Think of it as a test run for your ultimate idea."

Commander Darc leaned further forward in his chair as Arenay tilted his head to the side. "Now this sounds interesting," Darc said, "Explain."

"It's very simple,"Saffear said as she looked at the tiny sample in her hands, "Even with these new Rangers in place, the Grid is not entirely incorruptible. Especially if we make use of something that's been corrupted before."

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