chapter 5

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Anna's pov

I wake up to the sound off someone humming. I look up and see Xavier is on his computer and he is humming a song. maybe I could try get away now.

I try to open the cage but I notice there is a padlock on it. damn it. I didn't make enough noise for him to hear me and my eyes haven't left him so I know he won't sneak up on me.

I fiddle with the lock some more and Xaviers eyes haven't left the computer. I give up on the lock and just look at him. he wasnt wearing a shirt and I could see his muscles

I noticed some tattoos on his back they lead down his arms I admire them then look down and he is wearing grey sweatpants pants which highlight his.... Well you know. And god did it look big through them sweatpants.

Someone bangs on my cage suddenly and I get startled I look back and see Lorenzo smirking at me "good morning puppy" I jump back trying to get as far as possible away from him.

It starts replaying in my head how he hit me yesterday more then once I look down not making eye contact and make him angry again

"I said good morning" he said again slightly angry. "Um...g-good morning..." He gives me a stern look. "master. Good morning master." I correct myself.

I then look back and see Xavier now looking at me smiling. "Good morning love. How long you been awake." Xavier says. He called me love God he's hot control yourself Anna. "I um. I mean...Good morning master. Um I've um just woke up."

I am unable to make eye contact with either off them at this moment Im still naked apart from the jacket Xavier let me wear yesterday. You would think since there forcing me to stay here they would at least dress me its cold for gods sake. Lorenzo unlocks the cage "crawl." He warns me sternly. And although I want to yell into his face to fuck off I hold my tongue.

God why does he have to treat me like a dog. he leads me bye the collar to the edge off the bed. he sits on it and he has left me to be kneeling Infront off him talk about toxic masculinity does he feel better about his own stupid life making Me have to kneel Infront off him.

"We are going to be training you today puppy." Lorenzo says smiling at me like he just gave me amazing news and he leans back lifting himself slightly trying to get comfortable. I don't answer I just stare at him trying to hide my anger and fear.

"You are our dog now and we are your master's and I don't care if you don't want to be here your staying anyways. Understand!" He says to me. I sniffle feeling tears threatening to spill but not tears off sadness I was angry extremely angry. he then leans forward so his face is level with mine "understand." He says sternly.

I'm about to yell at him to let me go when I look up at Xavier who Is shaking his head at me. I think if I should just obey when I realized I don't want to I look up at Lorenzo again. "No. take me home." I say trying to sound brave. I hear him sigh and lean back.

"Why do you have to be so difficult." Lorenzo asked and he stands up and leaves the room. I smile. I won. I then look up at Xavier with a smug look on my face but as soon as I look up at him I noticed he looks slightly guilty. he then stands up.

"I can't watch this." Xavier says sounding hurt as he left the room. Watch what I thought but I lost that though as soon as I saw Lorenzo re enter the room with a whip and rope. I jump off the floor standing up and I nerves laugh. I start backing away from him. "I'm ugh I'm sorry." I say losing my bravery.

He smirks at me he hasn't moved from the door just yet. "It's going to be fun breaking you puppy." He takes two large steps towards me and I take two large steps back. "Please. Please I'm so sorry." I start sobbing I don't know what he is going to do and I doubt I want to know.

He licks his bottom lip. "You need to learn puppy. You need to learn obedience and no matter how much you beg, your not escaping your punishment." He says slowly walking towards me. I don't know what came over me but I suddenly snapped. "And you need to learn fucking consent asshole." I say trying to sound brave.

"Maybe I do. But I'm not going to learn it today. Now come here and maybe I'll go easy on you." He points the the floor Infront off him for me to go to. I look around me I notice a lamp on the table next to me and he sees me looking at it. "Don't. you. dare." He warns.

I look away from it and then I look at how far the door is. if I manage to hit him with the lamp, maybe I can get out there. but I don't know how far I have to go before I get out. what if he catches me. he's going to make me regret it I'm sure.

I don't care because this might be my only chance. I look up at him anger in my eyes. And I drag the lamp from the table ripping the cord. I hold it in my hand "let me go or I'll through it into your face." He smirks "do it. I'd love to add more punishments to the list."

I start thinking it through more thoroughly. if I do manage to get past him what if I run into Xavier. He seams the nicest out off the two but I doubt he will let me escape. He continues to smirk at me. that stupid smirk I want to smack that smirk off his face.

But will I risk it?


Ok I'm sorry for how long it took me to write this but I'm not even sure if I like this chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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