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Death silence, the atmosphere became denser.
The man looked at Jeonghan "who took the decision ?" "A-appa nim I did" Jeonghan said hesitantly.

Joshua a bit confused "umm I'm sorry to interrupt but may get the introduction from you all ?" "I'm Jeon Soohyun, father of seungcheol and Wonwoo" Hyun's expression gets dark with anger, Joshua about hug Hyun but got stop.

A woman came forward with tears in her eyes
"D-do y-you know...w-where i-is my Woo ?" Joshua frowned  "i know I might be sounding like a mad person but I really want to know where's my baby" that woman cried badly.

Another tried to comfort her but got slightly pushed "don't you dare to touch me Jeon Suzy"
Suzy felt bad "Hye please calm down I know Wonu would come back to us" "Didn't I warned you that for you his name is only Wonwoo not Wonu....and he would come back to me and Oppa not to this family" Hye shouted at Suzy.

The doorbell rang
Jeonghan opened the door and it revealed Wonwoo "Hyung-nim what happened why are you looking so dull ?" Jeonghan remained silent and dragged Wonwoo to the living room.

{umm I know my sorry doesn't worthy of your love towards this story but I ensure that I'll update more in future...any questions ?}

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