you better not be falling in love with her

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wednesday november 24th,1965
10:00 am

I dialed the number Nancy gave me, after a few rings she answered, "Hello?" "Hey Nancy! It's Cherry," "Oh hey!" "So, what time do you want me to come over today?" "Come over whenever, my parents went out for the day so it's just me...and Bryce," "Oh alright, I will see you soon." I quickly got dressed, did my makeup, and threw on a nice outfit. Before I left my room, I dialed the Curtis house. After a couple rings, someone answered, "Hello?" "Uh hey, can I talk to Stephanie?" "Yeah, one second." After a few seconds I heard her voice, "Hello?" "Hey, it's Cherry," "Oh hey! What's up?" "I'm going to Nancy's place now, I will call you with all the details when I get home," "Okay, don't get distracted by her brother...everyone saw you drooling over him last night," "Hey! I wasn't drooling, I was admiring," "Yeah right," "Okay, I'm going now, talk you later."

10:30 am

I arrived at the Walker residence and what can I say? It's beautiful. I knocked on the gorgeous front door, seconds later it swung open, "Cherry!! You made it! Come right on in." Nancy welcomed me inside, she brightly smiled, "Is there anything I can get you?" "Oh! I'm good, but thanks." She led me upstairs to her colossal sized bedroom, she plopped down onto her queen bed, "Please tell me that you have ideas on how to break up Steph and Steve," "I may have a few," "Perfect! What do you have in mind?" "Well, I still need to work all the kinks out," "Oh," "But when I do, I will tell you immediately," "Okay." I thought for a second and then spoke, "So..what made you like Steve?" "Everything about him, his beautiful eyes, his tall lean body, and that perfect hair. He's perfect," "Sodapop's perfect too, he's probably Tulsa's hottest boy," "I mean Soda is cute and all...he's just not Steve," "Yeah I get that." She sighed, "What about you? Do you have a boyfriend?" "Well...I did, but when he found out I got into Sarah Lawrence...he didn't want to do long distance," "Aw that's too bad, I honestly wish that would happen to Steph, I wish Steve wouldn't date her long distance," "He really cares about her," "Why though? She's not even...worth it." We were interrupted when her bedroom door opened, her brother looked at us, "Nancy-," "Jesus! I told you to knock." He looked at the opened door and knocked, "There is that better?" "What do you want Bryce? Don't you have friends?" "No need to be hasty, I was just going to tell you that your boyfriend is at the front door." Nancy groaned and turned to me, "I will be right back." She pushed past Bryce and walked away, he turned to me, "Why do you even hangout with her?" "What do you mean?" "In case you haven't noticed, my sister is a bitch," "Really?! I didn't think-," "We both know it's true, here's some friendly advice...don't get too close with her, she will destroy your life."


11:00 am

I was in the DX waiting for Sodapop to get back, he said he needed to go see Nancy. He walked inside and I looked at him relieved, "God Soda, I hate covering for you," "I'm sorry, I just had to see Nancy," "For what?" "I just missed her," "Damn you're falling hard for her," "She's so perfect, I really love her," "Love?!?" "I meant like! I meant like," "Sodapop Patrick, please don't tell me you're falling in love with her," "And what if I am?" "No! Soda No! Remember the last time you fell in love?" "Hey, that doesn't count!" "Look, y'all have only been dating for 4 can't love her already," "But I do Steve!!" "Well, just don't tell her yet, okay?." He nodded and got back behind the register, he sighed, "She barely wanted to see me, she had company," "Company?" "Yeah, Cherry was over there," "Cherry?" "Yeah," "Why?" "No clue," "It's just weird, Dal and I saw Stephanie and Kylee hanging out with Cherry yesterday," "Huh, that is weird." The door opened and Stephanie appeared, she smiled, "Wow, business is really booming in here." She laughed as she noticed the empty store, I smirked, "Isn't it always?." She came around behind the counter and wrapped her arms around my waist, Sodapop scoffed, "Steph, your really not supposed to be back here," she glared, "I bet you let Nancy come back here," "Well...that's different." I quickly spoke, "It's only different because you love her." Sodapop slapped my shoulder, "Steve!!!!." Steph looked at Soda appalled, "Y-you love her?!, how on earth could you love her?" "I...I just do Steph, I don't get why you're upset," "Because Soda, your gonna get your heart broke again," "I promise you I'm not, I think...I think she's the one."


11:15 am

I was angrily walking home, how could Sodapop love her?! She's pure evil. A car pulled up next to me, It was Cherry, she sighed, "Need a ride?" "No, because we both know if I get into that car, I'm gonna owe you something," "That's not entirely true, I know what I want in return for helping you destroy Nancy," "Yeah? What's that?" "Get in the car and we'll talk." I rolled my eyes and got into the passenger seat of her stingray, she softly spoke, "I want-," "Bryce Walker, I know," "How did you know?" "Cherry, I'm not stupid. I saw the way you were looking at him," "He's gorgeous," "He should be off limits, being that he's Nancy's twin brother. But, he seems cool," "Really?" "Yes really, I will help you get him," "Thank you!" "You're welcome, now tell me...what did you find out from Barbie?" "She didn't say too much, she said that she's attracted to Steve and thinks he's perfect, she also said that you're not worth it for Steve to date you long distance." I thought about what Cherry said, and it hurt. I sadly spoke, "Is she right? Am I really not worth it?" "Don't let her get in your head, you are worth it Steph..and Steve knows that," "God, he deserves so much better. What even is his life here?" "He's got you, Sodapop, the other greasers, and the DX...he's got everything he needs. So don't you dare think for one moment that his life would be any better without you, because it wouldn't be." I looked at her confused, "Cherry Valance being nice? Are you broken?" "Don't get used to it," "Too bad, I already did." She smiled as she drove off.

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