Movnosa was home to some of the largest volcanoes across the galaxy. The soil was naturally ashy because of them, and the heat emanating from them reduced their chances of finding water. The only way one could find it was digging through the soil, so not only was surviving a feat but could be considered down-right impossible.

Onfae had evolved so their bodies didn't rely on liquids. Unfortunately, their plants did. So, without sustenance, the aliens wouldn't survive through the harsh reality of their planet.

His hands clawed away at the dirt trying to stockpile on the small hole he'd created, while he used his still fragile back tendrils to hold onto a long red plant. Iren grew frustrated at trying to remove falling pebbles from the spot, and when a particularly large rock fell in, the soldier let out a growl.

"Stupid, no-good, motherfu-"

A bit ways away from him, an alarm blared to life. Voices sprung to life, causing the Paladin to look up from his sad excuse of a hole. Iren's eyes registered how the rest of the prisoners looked up from their tasks too, all eyeing each other in curiosity.

"All camp workers, take ten minutes from work," a voice called through an invisible communicator. "Whoever doesn't enter for lunch won't eat until tomorrow."

The orders were clear, but everyone felt as if they were a threat more than anything. Because of this, everyone stood up from their spots and hurriedly made their way toward the main building, tools littering the fields.

Iren was about to follow suit when a large weapon sprung up in his line of sight.

Upon making eye contact, the soldier gritted his teeth at the female alien, whose tusky grin screamed devil.

"You're not going anywhere," she laughed. "You didn't do your work right. I see no hole."

The Paladin looked down at the clearly obvious hole on the ground, then turned to look at her with an almost deadpan expression.

"So, not only are you extremely annoying, but you're also unbelievably stupid," Iren said. "Were you dropped many times as a child? I'd check my brain if I were you. Or, maybe not. I'm sure you'll just find air."

The female hissed dangerously, raising her hammer in the air in an attempt to hit him yet again when a male guard came running up to her.

"Hasa, leave him be," the Onfae said. "We need you inside. A fight's broken out."

The female Onfae, Hasa, hissed yet again and lowered her weapon so it rested at her side. Glancing at the Ahnerovan male with hatred, she finally resigned from torturing the abductee and stomped her way toward the facility. The other guard followed suit, not before throwing Iren a nasty-looking glare of his own.

The Paladin followed their forms until they disappeared through large metal doors.

He sighed out, fatigue taking control of his injured body.

There was little covering from the unbearable heat of the planet. Long metal pillars tried to shield the field workers from the outside, but with the open squares that let light filter through, there was no chance the prisoners could escape the weather. It almost seemed like the Onfae were mocking them; having a structure erected so there could be roofing over their heads, but in reality, the metal bars had large holes in them that still let anything get through.

Sweat rained down his forehead and his limbs cried out in protest. Being from a very cold planet, the Ahnerovan wasn't used to the weather. In fact, he knew the other prisoners weren't used to it either. Everyone seemed to be having a difficult time working in the fields, even more so since Onfae were torturing them whenever they pleased.

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