- it's even better for him if you start blushing.

- he'll just hoist you up out of nowhere. or come at you from behind and flip you over so you're bridal style. he gets a kick out of hearing you yell in surprise.

- the press goes crazy if he does it in public.

- or in costume

- if he's in costume he makes a whole thing about how the demon's kidnapped an angel and all that shit

- because every single member of the press is a sucker for it 

- and you are toooooo

- the entire time he's holding you he's growling in your ear and all that lovely stuff

- there is a picture of you guys on the front page of some magazine of him just holding you bridal style in full makeup and costume and platforms and you look so hopelessly tiny compared to him and you'd never admit it but you thought it was so hot

- he is the king of pda.

- not that he isn't romantic otherwise but if there's cameras, he's showing off 100%

- and not that he isn't a gentleman otherwise

- but like

- he's so extra when there r people around

- there are two types of extras: kissing your hand as you get out of the limousine or making out with you on the red carpet.

- guess which one he is

-you had to get him to stop

- things were escalating and you wanted to be classy

- or he'll carry you into somewhere like you're a princess

- i mean he treats you like a princess all the time

- but he decides to go waaayyyy over the top in public

- literally just because

- and he wants to look all big n strong

- he loves doing this stuff especially if you get all flustered

- unless ofc you actually don't like it. then he'll stop.

- because gene'll do pretty much whatever you want.

- take that all sorts of ways.

- he's a dominant personality and likes to be sort of the big man a lot of the time, but everyone knows you have him wrapped around your little finger.

- so if you don't like something, it's gone. done. you'll never see it, hear it, or feel it again.

- he loves attention

- like from the press, yeah

- but also from you

- a. lot.

- see he loves TO love you but also loves to BE loved BY you

- sure he likes to be romantic. sure he likes to be the dominant big scary demon boyfriend husband man

- but he's such a little baby sometimes it's so funny 

- he can go from "almost human" to "let me know" in half a second. (if you don't get it, listen to the songs)

- he wants to show you everything, tell you everything, keep the most boring conversations going just so you'll keep talking to him

- like he is a needy child

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