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I tried to focus on waiting tables, but I couldn't keep my eyes off their table for long. Or rather, off Gene for long. It really was sweet of him to come visit me at the diner, and bring the rest of the guys too. Now that I was thinking about it, I had told him I got off at 4. The shows weren't until late at night, and he probably didn't need six hours to get ready. Which meant... he wanted to see me so badly he couldn't wait. Well shit, I thought to myself. Gene Simmons likes me. Actually fucking likes me. Would you look at that. I bounced away with a new spring in my step. I was bringing out a couple of plates from the kitchen when Liddy tapped my shoulder with the giddiest. "Those friends of yours are a couple of sweethearts!" "Yeah?" She giggled, all smiles. "I went to go give them their check, you know, and your guy- the tall, angry looking one- asked if he could see you before they left." I tried to stifle my excitement, a light blush creeping across my cheeks.

"I told him of course he could see you and that I'd tell you to come back out as soon as you could, and then one of them- the nice looking guy with straight hair- grabbed my hand and said 'And you too, please. I think recognize you from my dream last night.' Oh, it was so sweet. You don't have to tell me your guy's name but at least tell me his friend's name, because I'd just love to see more of him."

I couldn't hold back my grin. Ace was even more of a flirt than Gene, it seemed. He'd already charmed Liddy, who was a sucker for pick up lines and all that lovey stuff.

"How about you ask him yourself when we go back out there?"

"Ugh, I can't wait that long, tell me now!!"

"Wouldn't it make more sense if you introduced yourselves than if you just randomly knew his name before he knew yours?"

"I guess so. Oooh, (_____), what if we start dating and go on a date with you and whatever his name is!!"

"You just met this morning, Lid. Calm down!"

"Well, you and grumpy-curly-hair just met last night and it looks like things are going pretty well to me!!"

Liddy was such a romantic. Though, it would be fun if my best friend and I ended up both dating different members of KISS. I quickly shook the thought. "Let me just bring these out and I'll meet you over there." I hurried over to deliver the plates to a tired looking mother with two energetic, red-headed three year olds in high chairs. The group was gone from table five, so I walked to the entrance of the diner and found Liddy already talking with the guys. Ace was leaning on the wall behind him, arms crossed, and looking at her with this starstruck, lovesick expression. She was talking his ear off, but he didn't seem to mind at all. Seeing Liddy happy always makes me smile, and seeing Ace so taken with her warmed my heart. Especially because she had no idea who he really was. I supposed I could forgive her for earlier. I felt hands on my shoulders and flipped around to see Gene. Gene and his perpetual smirk. 

"Couldn't wait til 4, huh?"

"Nope. You've got too much charisma. Couldn't stay away if I tried."

"I'm the one with charisma?"

"That's fair."

"You know I was hoping our first meeting in a restaurant wouldn't be work. Not that I'm complaining. It was sweet of you guys to come down."

He smiled. Not smirked, but really genuinely smiled. His eyes crinkled and his face softened, making me melt all over again. He had beautiful eyes- dark brown, alive and playful. We just stood there, staring at each other and smiling until Peter's voice snapped me out of a trance. "Hey, lovebirds, we're leaving. You too, Ace. You two can visit your girlfriends again tomorrow." Gene rolled his eyes and reached down to squeeze my hand. "Tomorrow?!" Ace said, dramatically. "I can't wait that long! I think I'll just die if I have to go that long without seeing you." I giggled, seeing Liddy blush. "They need to get back to work, remember?" Paul said, kindly. "How about you..." He grabbed Ace's arm and whispered something to him. Ace's face lit up and a smirk almost as mischievous as one of Gene's spread across his face. "A tip for the lovely lady," he said, pressing something into Liddy's hands. 

"Don't look at it til we're gone," he said with a wink. Liddy looked over at me, questioning. I shrugged, and turned back to Gene. "Time to go, god of thunder," I said, softly. "I suppose you're gonna want one too?" I was confused. If he was talking about what Ace had given Liddy, I had no idea what that was. "What?" Here comes the smirk, I thought. "Ohh," he said, amused. "Now I have to give you one." One what?! I thought. He pulled out a square of paper and slipped it into my apron pocket before turning and walking away. "Have fun," he called, as the rest of the guys followed him out. Liddy and I looked at each other for a split second before racing to the bathroom to look at the papers.

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