lights up

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All of my anger and confusion disappeared in an instant. I closed my eyes, as one hand slid down to my waist. I laid my hands on his chest— or what I thought was his chest—in the pitch black darkness and kissed him back with an overwhelming passion. His kiss was strong and dominant, but gentle and heartfelt. I wondered, intrusively, shamefully, if he kissed every girl like this, or if they just got the tongue. Speak of the devil, I could feel his tongue begin to slip between my lips. A question. Asking whether I wanted to keep going. I most certainly fucking did. Every second I spent with Gene I fell more in love with him. I parted my mouth and deepened the kiss, consumed by pure ecstasy, when I heard a buzz and a flicker. Playful laughter and squealing filled my ears. I pulled away and blinked vigorously. The lights had come back on, and I saw Paul, Peter, and Ace with his arm around a beaming Liddy.

My hands froze over Gene's chest, which I now noticed was adorned and glittering with chains. My mouth hung open slightly in surprise, and my face got redder, if that was even possible. I turned back to him and tried not to jump. He really did look different with his makeup. Especially up close. I stifled a laugh as I saw that my red lipstick had stained his white painted face. He gazed down at me with dramatic, evil looking eyeliner and a plunging widow's peak.

The makeup really did transform KISS into different people. Especially now that I had people to compare then to. Different? That's fucking terrifying. Different, good grief, my brain yelled, staring at his hellish persona. I still like him, though, I thought, quickly.  I tried to just focus on his actual eyes, under the spiked bats wings. I was pleased to find that the life and sparkle they'd had before hadn't left. Still the eyes of the kind man who'd saved me the previous night. Now, however, they narrowed in annoyance as he sighed at his bandmates. He still had a hand on my waist and the one that was on my chin had fallen down to rest on my shoulder.

"Glad to see you two found each other," Liddy giggled. I gave her a look and she shot me a satisfied smile. "Oh yeah, that reminds me," said Ace. He spun Liddy around and in one swift motion dipped her and kissed her. She was even more of a blushing mess than I must have been. "Show off," Gene muttered. I looked up at him- in his costume, we had about a two foot height difference- and smirked. "I thought you were the showy one, what with all the fire-breathing," I teased. "What are you saying?" he said, his eyes glinting. "Oh, nothing." I gave him a sugary, sarcastic smile. His bandmates snickered. "Ooh, you're funny!" Ace cackled. "Keep her around, Gene, please!!" laughed Peter. Gene's expression softened. "I think I will," he said, not joking anymore. His eyes flicked over to me, now, sincere and hopeful. "If you don't mind all the pyrotechnics." I glowed. "I don't mind," I said, laying my hands back on his chest. "I don't mind at all."

charismaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora