Chapter 3

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A/N: this chapter is for the Tankana and Nezukana shippers you don't have to read it but I think it's a cute chapter to put after such an intense one

The next morning Kanao did NOT want to go to school, well she usually didn't but today she wanted to even less after the horrible day she had yesterday, Sanemi and Giyuu sensed that when she got home last night she was on edge, and a bit depressed so they let her stay home. She woke up fairly late dragging herself out of bed which she would only end up falling back in and sleeping for another few hours. Eventually, she sat down at the counter and scrolled through her phone, most of her friends already knew she wasn't going to school but by the time she'd gotten up again it was already afternoon, she chucked on a plain shirt and skirt along with some shorts and as she wasn't going anywhere she left her butterfly hair clip out. She checked the time, she had slept in for quite a while it was almost 3pm clearly yesterdays events had taken a big toll on her. She could only rest for a few minutes before the doorbell rang, Giyuu and Sanemi had house keys and they usually returned late while Genya usually just came in through the back door for some reason, she forced herself off her couch and walked to the door opening it, outside were Nezuko and Tanjiro still in there school uniforms however it looked like they'd stopped at their house before they'd come here since they were wearing different jackets and they didn't have their school  both hugged Kanao as she smelled the familiar scent of the Kamado bakery "Nezuko and I thought you might not be feeling well so we got permission to leave school early and we picked up so,s bread and treats for you in hopes to cheer you up" he smiled, Kanao couldn't help but give a slight smirk as she pet Nezuko's head "thank you" she said softly as she helped Tanjiro lay it out on the table as she stared in awe. Even though she, Nezuko and Tanjiro were friends she did believe that they were one of the best bakeries in Japan a hidden gem, they had lots of regulars and there were only ever positive reviews about the place as locals often bought bread there or stopped for coffee on the way to work which was why Nezuko and Tanjiro were so busy on weekends and after school, they all sat down and Kanao got out other bits and butter as they all sat at the counter as they all ate in silence for a while. Eventually Nezuko broke the silence as she asked Kanao about the house and for the next 2 hours they all chatted about anything that came to mind changing topics when they saw fit. An hour later they heard the door of the outside to the mansion slide open as Genya made his way in taking his shoes of and greeting Kanao and giving a small wave to Nezuko and a smiled to Tanjiro before he went upstairs. Giyuu arrived next as he unlocked the door stepping in as he greeted Nezuko and Tanjiro and engaged in a bit of small talk. Sanemi came home a bit later and just scowled at both Nezuko and Tanjiro but didn't say anything instead going upstairs to go yell at Genya again. "Are you staying for dinner" Giyuu asked as Tanjiro shook his head "as much as we would love to our parents want us back before dinner on school nights" Tanjiro replies as he smiles, Kanao leads them out as they all give each other an awkward hug, Kanao felt great to have friends that cared about her well-being and enjoyed her company just as much as she did theirs, she ate dinner but it was silent as Sanemi, Genya and Giyuu didn't seem to think she was in the mood for talking. Eventually she finished her food and left to go upstairs, after 10 minutes she dozed off and her thoughts were plagued by Nezuko and Tanjiro's generosity.

The Tales of a Broken Soul (Modern Au)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz