"You're right, thank you for being here please don't tell anybody about this not even my mom"-I said gently laying Olivia on the couch

A knock came on the door and I just sat stuck in the same spot so Symone got up to get the door.

"Right this way Dr. Mann"-She said after closing the door

"Oh wow what happened to her?"-Dr. Mann

"I'm not sure but I have to tell you this so you can know what happened"-Chris

"I'm listening"-Dr. Mann

"A month ago she was kidnapped by a stalker and they could've caused all of this to her body. She has been going through a lot these past few months because of this stalker and tried everything to get them in jail but they escaped. I was coming downstairs when I heard a knock on the door and when I opened it she was laid across my mat unconscious. Please tell me you can do something to help."-I said frustrated

"I can but I need more equipment, I rushed here with just what I could grab"-Dr. Mann

"If you leave then she might not wak---

"Chris, ow"-Olivia

"Shh baby be still, it's going to be okay. I have my doctor here to look at you."-I said stroking her hair and there was blood on my hand

"He tried to take advantage of me Chris, he drugged me and tried to take advantage of me."-She cried

"Who!"-I said angry and scared her

"Chris you have to stay calm, you're scaring her"-Symone

"I'm sorry baby I'm just glad that you found your way back to me."-I squeezed her hand

"Jerome tried to and his sister Kyra kidnapped me, she's the one who's been tracking me. I let my guard down."-She cried again

"I fucking knew it, is she going to be okay?"-Chris

"There's no internal bleeding but you're hurt pretty bad, nothing rest and a prescription won't do but it's a good thing you escaped before anything got worse. Here's some ointment for your scars to heal up, apply this 3 times a day to get the full effect of it. If you need a therapist I know a good one, she's my wife actually. I know it'll take you some time to open up but she's the best in the business. I see Chris here will take good care of you so I have nothing to worry about once I leave here, just try to stay stress free and if anything else happens call me right away. Use these eye drops to clear out the blood in your eyes, continue to change your bandages on your arm when they get dirty. Take baths instead of showers and try not to get them wet, you'll probably have to stay downstairs until your leg heals up. You might have to make an appointment to see your dentist to get that tooth checked out, I'm sorry this happened to you. I am a father myself and I would kill anyone who physically hurt my daughter. I'm heading out but don't do anything physical by the way."-Dr. Mann

"Thank you for coming"-I said walking him to the door

"Of course, keep me updated and Chris be by her side every step of the way she'll be having nightmares soon of what she's been through. Be gentle with her and be patient, she needs a lot of love and comfort right now."-Dr. Mann said before walking off to his car

I nodded and closed the door then went to Olivia's side.

"I'm sorry for being so stubborn and not letting you protect me"-Olivia

"None of this is your fault baby, you don't have to talk just get some rest and I promise that I won't ever let you go."-I said hugging her softly in my arms

"I'll go, Li I'm sorry for what happened to you and I hope that whomever those people are get what they deserve and I know Chris will make sure of that. Guess you don't want that place after all, seems like you got comfortable here"-Symone said the last part smiling

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