Info #2

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Name: Hiro Shima
Age: 16

Power and abilities: same as the movie Personality: Aggressive and is incredibly protective of his family even if he's on the brink of death he'd jump infront of a bullet for any of them just to see them safeLikes: being alone, fish, swimming, des...

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Power and abilities: same as the movie
Personality: Aggressive and is incredibly protective of his family even if he's on the brink of death he'd jump infront of a bullet for any of them just to see them safe
Likes: being alone, fish, swimming, destruction on people who deserve it
Dislikes: Weapons, flying
Sexuality: straight but he can be "persuaded"
Race/Species: Kaiju Demi-Human
Classification: Beast King/Atomic Weapon/Brawler
(A/N: oc Belongs to anime-mothman )

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