The Mini Adventures of Reyna, Sanji and Crew: Airing Out Some Dirty Laundry

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"I'm calling bullshit!" Reyna exclaimed as Usopp finished his tall tale. "No way in hell did you defeat a dragon. You've probably never seen one in real life before."

"I swear," Usopp raised one hand in the air while the other went over his heart. "My crew of 8,000 men and I took the beast down with our bare hands."

Reyna rolled her eyes while sipping her wine. Nami, Zoro, and Luffy didn't bat an eye at the young man's hyperbolic story. Indicating Usopp had 1.) already told Nami, Zoro, and Luffy this story, or 2.) they were used to his lies and there was no point in rebuking them. 

"Enough talking, more playing," Nami said, shuffling the deck of cards in her hands. "I'm trying to take your money here."

"Technically, it's everyone's money," Zoro tossed a few Berry into the pot. "These are the funds left over from preparing the ship for what's to come when we hit the Grand Line, in case you forgot already."

"So?" Nami dealt the cards. "Doesn't make busting the rest of you out any less fulfilling. Sanji, are you in or out?"

Every member of the Straw Hat Pirates was a terrible poker player, save for Nami, Reyna decided. They couldn't bluff to save their lives, and the poker faces were even worse. Even Nami, after a few rounds of play, had a tell Reyna used against her. The slightest flare in the woman's left nostril when she had a decent hand was enough for Reyna to sneak in and take all of the navigator's glory.

"It's not possible," Nami stared at Reyna while she raked up the final pot of Berry. "You cheated!"

"Nami, don't be a sore loser," Usopp chuckled.

"She beat you fair and square," Sanji added.

"By completely kicking your ass," Zoro threw in for good measure.

"There's no way you could have beaten me," Nami dropped her head in her hands. "I never lose!"

"Well, you did today," Usopp said.

"Might want to practice your tell, my dear Nami," Reyna got to her feet. "Anyone need a refill?"

"Yes!" Zoro, Usopp, and Luffy hoisted their empty steins (and glass) in the air.

"I'll help," Sanji rose to his feet, took the remaining glasses, and joined Reyna in the kitchen.

"You going to do anything about that?" Zoro looked between the crew's cook, doctor, and captain. His voice was loud enough for the couple filling the drinks to hear, while he questioned Luffy.

"About what?" Luffy asked, beaming at the newly filled glass placed in his hands.

"You know what," Zoro eyed the pair closely.

"You sure want to ask such questions when one of the said people is holding your precious sake?" Reyna asked. "Snagged this one from the last town we were in, but if you don't want it-" Zoro snatched it from her hands, his lips pursed. 

"As long as Reyna and Sanji do the jobs they are meant to as part of my crew, I don't care what they do in their private time," Luffy answered to a scowling Zoro while chugging down the milk.

"Thank you, Luffy," Reyna sat back in her seat. "We promise not to let our private matters affect our pirating duties."

"I know you won't," Luffy said, raising his now empty glass. "Now, I would like to make a toast. As you know, thanks to our amazing navigator; tomorrow we will be entering the Grand Line. Our new adventure awaits!"


"Took long enough."

"How exciting."

Three steins and three glasses clinked in the center of the table. 

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